Diverge Networks
BrickHead's Flag Appeal - Printable Version

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BrickHead's Flag Appeal - BrickHead - 02-10-2024

Your Name: Tommy DeVito, Klondieke Okoro, Tony "Toenail" Tarini  

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:443575519

Staff Member involved: Lomac 

What flags were blacklisted from you?: Pet Flags

Reason for blacklist (if given): As some may have seen Klondieke used to RP as the "Poop Don", I would typically spawn in an office with premission of the property owners in a bush next to an establishment and offer my "services". I was doing this for few weeks and then got the idea to spawn in some props to help "enhance" rp. now and with some surprisement no-one really minded and everything was going fine. Until one night I got a little to high and started messing in the robbers-den but I didnt stay for long. I then went down to the docks holding medium to small sized prop materialized to brown, it was there where I knocked a member of the scotts into the water with the prop. although he made no attempt to avoid me I still prolly shouldnt of done that my b. I then went to the le grande where lomac tp'd to me and stripped me of my pet flags and disappeared. There was no sit, no one warning just took the flags over knocking one guy into the water. 

Why should they be returned?:I am writing to respectfully appeal for the removal of certain building permissions that have been imposed. I understand that rules are in place for the well-being and harmony of our community, and I deeply respect the intentions behind them. However, I believe there are compelling reasons to reconsider these restrictions. I wish to emphasize the importance of flexibility in fostering innovation and growth within our community. While regulations are necessary, overly restrictive measures can inadvertently stifle creativity and progress. 

-Sincerely Klondieke

RE: BrickHead's Flag Appeal - Kylevanhorn - 02-22-2024

I always talk to a person before I take flags.

RE: BrickHead's Flag Appeal - Fox - 02-23-2024

Considering this appears to be your first offence for misuse I'll approve this.

However, please use your props appropriately and be considerate to others who are trying to play the game.

Your flag appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The blacklist will be lifted from your account shortly.