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The Matter of Casino - Printable Version

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The Matter of Casino - dandead10 - 02-12-2024

Earlier today, whilst I was gambling in the Pruskowska Casino at the pawnshop, I was on the beginning of the win streak, blackjack, as people might recognize. When i was approached and told, "don't put down another hand". I already had one down, a bet of fifty-thousand dollars, and when I tried to play, was told that I do not have permission to play on the table. I did ask him though why not to put another bet down though. Subsequently, you could imagine what happened. As a result of being blocked mid-hand, I proceeded to shoot the person in question, and was ultimately warned that I did not have a legitimate reason to shoot the person whom banned me. This creates an interesting conundrum where I feel as if there might need to be some rule ciarifications on what constitutes as acceptable to shooting a person with this new rule set, or if not that, then perhaps add rulings on the conduct that must be performed in order to ban someone from a Casino.

There is an interesting scenario where there isn't any real roleplay being done to facilitate the banning of characters from a table, and based on what I've heard as of recent, people are simply grabbing character ID and banning people from the table that way, either from the leaderboard or log. As a result, I would propose that we release a guideline on this mechanic. Sure, most people won't particularly care, or in my instance could legitimately come on any of my other characters to continue, but that's besides the point. The main issue is that if there is an introduction of a mechanic, it should be conducive to roleplay and add to it. I was in a very interesting situation where I was told I wasn't justified in killing someone, despite more or less being caused to lose a hand of a considerable amount of money and being warned by Tactical Ninja as a subsequent result. A sort of grey area in interpretation of rules as we've never had a situation quite like this before to my knowledge. 

Might I please get some viewpoint on the members of the server and see their thoughts?

I feel as if ultimately, this banning mechanic for casinos should be done by staff visage, or if not that, then at the very least require some deeper roleplay interactions.

RE: The Matter of Casino - VirologicZero - 02-12-2024

Don't RDM. You weren't scammed, you said yourself that you were instructed not to play another hand. I think that in of itself is RP. Telling someone they're not allowed to play somewhere is no uncommon in the casino world. Could it be more involved or fleshed out? Sure. That's still not a reason to RDM like a goober.

Be better.

RE: The Matter of Casino - dandead10 - 02-12-2024

I was told not to play after I already had the hand down waiting on the counter to go down. The hand started and I couldn't play the hand. He never explained I was being banned anyways. Just said, "don't put another hand", then immediately banned me. I asked as he was walking away "why" anyways.

RE: The Matter of Casino - The Gent - 02-12-2024

There has been a lott of abuse of these mechanics since their implementation that have mostly been shrugged off or considered in-roleplay situations, however, Dandead's case is a perfect example of how obscure the rules surrounding the casino things are. If it was a roleplay issue to be worked out over the matter of scamming a large amount of money, then that would be financial harm of over $50,000, providing ample reason for a PK. Kage killing him technically would have been considered in roleplay...

Now moving on to the actual abuse of the mechanics, this is something that is easily seen across the city, where people will wait for you to place large sums of money on a table before copying your character's ID, running to the back, and banning you so you are guranteed to lose the money. Hell, the other night in the same casino mentioned here, I was banned for simply being inside the casino near people who were gambling, I myself had not even been gambling was just merely watching and was banned lol.. There should be a roleplay reasoning and lead-up to reasonings behind why a casino would ban you. If a casino in Vegas ran off of the business model where they banned just about anyone that walks into the casino for too long, they would never make any money. Its not realistic for people to be allowed to ban any player they feel like or exploit the actual system itself to steal the money from the person with gurantee of nothing being allowed to be done to them in character. One simple fix would be not allowing the casino's to touch funds while players are actively gambling or have hands down on the table, to avoid them just swiping all of the money out the moment someone is about to win it all. Im sure there are other methods of approach to fixing the issue, but as Dan said, features like this should be working in tandem with the roleplay, not being used as a system to actively exploit money from players with guranteed amnesty from punishment as of currently.

RE: The Matter of Casino - LoganE - 02-12-2024

Here is the question for you then, was he the one who "abused" the mechanic? Or was it someone else in the back you did not see if you can prove that is was the person you shot maybe just maybe you'd have a case but if you can prove what person did what then you shot someone under an assumption which is very much against the rules

RE: The Matter of Casino - TheTacticalNinja - 02-12-2024

Hello, I was the Moderator who took the RDM ticket. Tobias the one who you killed at the casino, said that he was banning you at the start of one of your hands. That person told you to not play another hand and went over to the NPC to start the ban process. You however decided to not listen and start another hand. During your hand, the one working at the casino finished the process and thus you were banned mid hand. During the sit, I had other staff input before making my decision. I also told you that you could have properly escalated the situation however you just pulled your gun a shoot him without giving any threat. I understand you're not happy with the outcome however, from my point of view, you were warned to not play another hand and yet you did it anyways thus facing your outcome at the casino.

RE: The Matter of Casino - dandead10 - 02-12-2024

I do have a screenshot I can show of me asking, "Why", and he never clarifies. And I say, I already have a hand down. Frankly, regardless of how you view it, rules should be placed into motion as to grant clarifications otherwise. As of right now, as I understand, banning character ID's was most recently introduced for casinos. So it's bound to have hiccups in the transitionary process.

RE: The Matter of Casino - LoganE - 02-12-2024

(02-12-2024, 01:46 AM)TheTacticalNinja Wrote: Hello, I was the Moderator who took the RDM ticket. Tobias the one who you killed at the casino, said that he was banning you at the start of one of your hands. That person told you to not play another hand and went over to the NPC to start the ban process. You however decided to not listen and start another hand. During your hand, the one working at the casino finished the process and thus you were banned mid hand. During the sit, I had other staff input before making my decision. I also told you that you could have properly escalated the situation however you just pulled your gun a shoot him without giving any threat. I understand you're not happy with the outcome however, from my point of view, you were warned to not play another hand and yet you did it anyways thus facing your outcome at the casino.
Which is probably why he hasn't done an appeal for it

RE: The Matter of Casino - dandead10 - 02-12-2024

Well, I wasn't banned. As far as I know there isn't an appeal process for warnings.

RE: The Matter of Casino - Tiby Tobino - 02-12-2024

So to clear up what happened not reading these essays everyone wrote out.

1. I told dandead10 not to play another hand after this one, trying to make sure they didn't get caught in the middle of the hand.
2. They immediately started another hand after I walked away.
3. Then ran over to me whilst I was at the Casino Manager and asked why.
4. Then ran back and saw they were banned.
5. Then ran back over to me and killed me as I was in the Casino Manager.

I apologize I should have specified that I was the Casino Manager. But, if you had said you started another hand anyway (ignoring me) and didn't understand what was going on you could have requested compensation before shooting me. I would have compensated you. Saying I didn't play within RP is crazy after murdering someone in front on an NPC and other players lmao.

You won the last hand anyways not sure why you're taking it to the forums...