Diverge Networks
PK Appeal Christian Jensen - Printable Version

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PK Appeal Christian Jensen - Mercy2702 - 02-16-2024

Name of Character: Senior Officer Christian Jensen

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:117029257

Your Discord ID#: jynx_dk

Date of PK: 2-16-2024

Reason for PK: Fell out of World corp

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Lagged out the window of world corp with the window being pre smashed so I died

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: I live in the EU and with the server being hosted in the US I have High Ping. I lagged and fell from the top of World corp while looking into an apparent suicide.

RE: PK Appeal Christian Jensen - Fox - 02-16-2024

Hi there,

Just for reference, not all suicides or accidental deaths are an immediate PK.

The only time we PK for these kind of actions are if someone is using suicide to escape an RP situation. I.e an officer is attempting to apprehend someone and they jump out of worldcorp to their death, or drown themselves.

Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.