Diverge Networks
Vittorio "Vito" Romano PK appeal - Printable Version

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Vittorio "Vito" Romano PK appeal - Dranik_23 - 02-11-2021

Name of Character: Vittorio "Vito" Romano

SteamID: _0:1:588381280

Date of PK: 2/10/2021

Reason for PK: Failed RP

Why should you be unPK'd?: I should be unPK'd because I did not know the rules of robbing. I got PK'd because I unequipped my gun when I was getting robed so I would not lose the gun when I died. Mined you that it was my first week playing this game and I did not know that was a failed RP because I tried to rob some one and they did the same thing and I did not think of it as a failed RP. Also my friends that played never told me that I can get PK'd from that. The admen that PK'd me did not listen to me or what I had to say and he just PK'd me right away. The admen who PK'd me was ayo. Thank you guys for your time.

RE: Vittorio "Vito" Romano PK appeal - ayo - 02-11-2021


Yagi Burgur(???) (STEAM_0:1:123231623) killed Vittorio "Vito" Romano(Dranik_23) (STEAM_0:1:588381280) using a player

Vittorio "Vito" Romano PK appeal - Rem - 02-11-2021

Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.
While we prefer not to PK for FearRP, as you did not know this was a rule, you will be given your character back.
Your record is clean and second chances are deserved.
Remember when you break FearRP, you are subject to a PK. Meaning if you take the risk, do not be surprised if you get PKed.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.