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Luca 'Raven' Morelli v. The sky gods. - Printable Version

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Luca 'Raven' Morelli v. The sky gods. - iamjustRaven - 02-23-2024

Name of Character: Luca 'Raven' Morelli

SteamID: 76561198928636280

Your Discord ID#: iamjustraven

Date of PK: 02 / 22 / 2024

Reason for PK: I pulled a weapon while being mugged

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I feel I should be unPK'd as this person powergamed. they call on the phone after I advertise that I am selling weapons with a distinct character description. "Several needle marks. Multiple bruises." when I arrive, they have reset it to the  default character description, "A man stands before you at 5'9 " He asked for an item from the scene (my suit) IN the admin sit. he said "it would be a shame to see such a nice suit go to waste." Which feels just like the rule of no ooc. to me, that isn't someone who is interested in the role play as much as they are getting new items. I don't want anything wrong to happen to the other player (unless they are a mugging character, then do what you must) and had I read up more closely on mugging rules I may have acted differently. I read about Pk's and muggings prior, but not in detail. Should I be granted an appeal, I will not make the same mistake, as it was born of ignorance; not blatant opposition. Nevertheless, the role play or moreso, lack thereof is why I believe my character should be appealed.

*(edit) Just saw that the staff who pk'd me said that there a good chance that it was a mugging character. I am unsure what that means but if that helps my case, then good.

I hope you all have a wonderful day. 

character description before meeting

RE: Luca 'Raven' Morelli v. The sky gods. - Rem - 02-23-2024

I don't really understand how changing a description is powergame?

RE: Luca 'Raven' Morelli v. The sky gods. - iamjustRaven - 02-23-2024

(02-23-2024, 04:16 PM)Rem Wrote: I don't really understand how changing a description is powergame?
It may not be! I thought that It may because;

it states when you make your description, that if the description you make is false, that admins may take action.

In my opinion, vital information like 'brusies' and 'needle marks' are something that make a person stand out a lot. and then when they start the mugging, to take away these key features I feel is power gaming.
Those are key features and could be used to describe someone after the mugging.  I feel as though, you can't make yourself default description just because you're about to rob someone.
the reason I even bring it up is because it impacted my decision; If had he kept the same description, I wouldn't have pulled my gun as I would be able to identify the person afterwards by the bruises and needle marks on them. changing his description to default, made it impossible.
Thats just my opinion though Smile , (and I may be using the word wrong lol.)

--> The main thing is that they might be a mugging character, according to what the staff who did the pk said. <--

( I didn't see that they had messaged me when I originally made my appeal )

RE: Luca 'Raven' Morelli v. The sky gods. - Dopedealer1337 - 02-23-2024

(02-23-2024, 04:25 PM)iamjustRaven Wrote:
(02-23-2024, 04:16 PM)Rem Wrote: I don't really understand how changing a description is powergame?
It may not be! I thought that It may because;

it states when you make your description, that if the description you make is false, that admins may take action.

In my opinion, vital information like 'brusies' and 'needle marks' are something that make a person stand out a lot. and then when they start the mugging, to take away these key features I feel is power gaming.
Those are key features and could be used to describe someone after the mugging.  I feel as though, you can't make yourself default description just because you're about to rob someone.
the reason I even bring it up is because it impacted my decision; If had he kept the same description, I wouldn't have pulled my gun as I would be able to identify the person afterwards by the bruises and needle marks on them. changing his description to default, made it impossible.
Thats just my opinion though Smile , (and I may be using the word wrong lol.) The main thing is that they might be a mugging character, according to what the staff who did the pk said. I didn't see that they had messaged me when I originally made my appeal.
A little birdie told me that your argument is strong, but in order to accept your appeal, you have to explain how it makes sense that you would know what he looks like over the phone. Is your character a psychic? If he is please state his background story, it needs to be at least 100 words long and explain how he developed his abilities.

RE: Luca 'Raven' Morelli v. The sky gods. - Monaclu - 02-24-2024

User was found to be a mugging char. Overturned.

Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.