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Danny Costava PK appeal - Printable Version

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Danny Costava PK appeal - Medinator - 02-26-2024

Name of Character: Danny Costava

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:63855153

Your Discord ID#: Medinator

Date of PK: 2/25/24

Reason for PK: Violent cop confrontation

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I believe I should be unPK'd due to the PKing officer screaming "ohhh! PK!", while having his microphone muted in the clip used to PK my character. In the clip the officer used as evidence, his microphone was muted to cover up the fact he broke a PK rule. This rule being "Using OOC terms over Mic, (Such as yelling "thats a pk, thats a pk!" After killing someone) may void the PK entirely. Remain in character at all times." Along with the fact he used ooc terms IC, he also shouldn't have been a cop at the time of the PK. I was PK'd around 2PM EST, while the officer in question made a reinstatement request at 3:28PM EST. The officer who placed himself behind my vehicle had no regard for his own life, as well as could be considered PK baiting / being PK hungry, due to the fact he knew he would be knocked down, resulting in the other officers opening fire and PKing my character.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines

https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1XviRPxtlARq5v/d1337HRUkroi?invite=cr-MSxib0gsMjE0NTgxMjk4LA?mobilebypass=true - PK clip provided by officer, note his mic being muted. Watch at the end where his game indicates he's speaking, but no voice can be heard.

https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1XviTS04_VJWhY/d1337WDDd1K2?invite=cr-MSxST08sMTA4NDA5NjAwLA?mobilebypass=true - My clip which proves the statement regarding the PKing officer. Please note that my clip doesn't record my microphone, however everything I say can be heard in the PKing officers clip, just like how everything he says can be heard in mine.

Cop making his reinstatement request - https://gyazo.com/f673fc4d0e33c78cbd0c82f9b2be4b13

Seasoned Administrator Logan confirming my question regarding microphones needing to be heard in PK clips - https://gyazo.com/e1c86a7154de7fbb6b0ddfbd16e36212

PKing officer later admitting to the PK being "bullshit" in his criminal factions discord - https://gyazo.com/b7b0fa770203145846e5d00e02e94608 , https://gyazo.com/7dc638f8163c155357ac2a5bf5da51f5 (edited)

RE: Danny Costava PK appeal - Ellipsis - 02-26-2024

Hello Pking admin here.

At the time of the PK I was only provided the evidence from the officer and at the time you were seemly AFK and by the time I had PK'd you, you had not returned (5* minutes, I was the only staff taking tickets with around 7 waiting).

When you created a ticket on another character you proceeded to berate me (Which while anger is understandable, was not necessary for the situation). As I was in the middle of another PK situation I simply had to tell you to submit an appeal here.

I have also spoken with Logan and Lomac and they personally have shown me the extra proof and I can see the issue with this PK. When it comes to the baiting at the time I did not believe that was baiting due to the argument of how IRL cops often stand in the way of parked cars to prevent them from leaving.

I would like to apologize for my hastily given PK but due to the circumstances I could not afford to wait there for a long time. However I believe having seen all the evidence that this PK should be Lifted.

RE: Danny Costava PK appeal - James - 02-26-2024

This PK was invalid for a few reasons, firstly the obvious one was that the cops started shouting how that was a PK over vc after you were killed. Secondly, no real attempt was made to arrest you they could have easily door-kicked you out of the car. Finally, it is clear when you started driving away you could not see there was a cop standing behind you and him being there in the first place was just asking to be run over. What you did was not "initiating a violent confrontation with police" It was just fleeing and fleeing from something that was petty and probably wouldn't have gotten you charged anyway (cops are dumb for that). The mic thing is meh if it was just that officer talking to you then you would have a point but there were clearly other officers giving you commands so if the rest was done properly it would have been valid, also someone admitting the pk was bullshit isn't really evidence. But over all the PK was invalid so you will be unpked.

Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.