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PK Appeal - Printable Version

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PK Appeal - Way2Sav - 03-02-2024

Name of Character: Ace "Savage" Ramz

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:443710972

Your Discord ID#: 453236444635332619 

Date of PK: 02/03/2024

Reason for PK: Nothing 

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I should be unPKD because as stated in PK rules i must initiate a violent confrontation with a police officer. There was no interaction or initiation from the cop or myself for him to discharge his weapon. I was already barring a firearm as i was modifying my weapon, I avoided aiming my firearm when i saw the cop come onto my screen, For a PK to be valid i have to initiate by firing or using RP. There was NO warning from the cop before i got shot which is technically RDM even if he feared his life that's not valid as i didn't aim, shoot or RP with the cop. As stated by an admin i did not do anything but avoid pointing my gun towards the officer. as seen in the proof. Multiple staff members advised me to appeal as its not a valid because the reasons stated above.  

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1Yt3Ks4zvTJUK7/BhLzUngOV2WW?invite=cr-MSxTZUssNzkyNzY2ODYs?mobilebypass=true

RE: PK Appeal - CaptSkull21 - 03-02-2024

I feel like this pk is valid you aiming a gun at me since the moment I turned the corner after you knew I was arresting your friend you followed me walking by you with your gun aimming at me. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1Yt3Ks4zvTJUK7/d1337hfOd4g1?invite=cr-MSxTZUssNzkyNzY2ODYs

RE: PK Appeal - Cameron - 03-02-2024

I was the admin who did the pk, at the time I had asked 2 members of UA (James and BoomRoasted) if this was a valid pk. They both said they would pk you, since from the cops pov you are aiming a gun at his head moving around in the clip in order to save your friend which is in your faction. You told me you were putting modifications on your weapon but as soon as the cop turns the corner you turn to the cop and aim it, when the cop walked 2-3 feet further you were still aiming the gun at him "tracking him with your sight" with little to no intention to put the weapon away.

This is the clip I was provided in the sit and that I had given to the 2 members of Upper Administration (UA) to determine what should be done.: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1Yt3Ks4zvTJUK7/d1337hfOd4g1?invite=cr-MSxTZUssNzkyNzY2ODYs

PK Appeal - Rem - 03-04-2024

Ill give benefit of the doubt. Valid kill, but I wouldn't be 100% on PK.

Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.