Diverge Networks
Thinner's Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Thinner's Ban Appeal - Thinner - 03-06-2024

Your Character or Steam Name: Kamran Shahzar | Thinner | Senior Officer Daria Durova

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:172734480

Your Discord ID#: thinnerdinner

Reason for ban: Global Rule 14 
Length of ban: Permanent

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute.

Why should you be unbanned?
For some reason I was banned on every single Diverge related discord/platform besides the forums because of Global Rule 14. I did not whatsoever do this. The only reason I could think of why I was banned was because of a new mafia server coming up which I will not mention in fear for being banned on forums as well. I am in the discord for that mafia server and I sent it to people that I knew STRICTLY THROUGH DM's to check out the server. I was not trying to advertise the server on any diverge platform, which discord DM's are NOT diverge related whatsoever. I was also NOT PLANNING TO LEAVE DIVERGE WHATSOEVER. Diverge was, and still will be (if I am unbanned) the main Garry's Mod server I will play in. Even though the new server owner made me staff manager, I will always be dedicated to diverge. I never wanted to hurt the diverge community by pushing this server as if it was the new diverge. Anyone I DM'ed can vouch for me because I also told most of them I was not leaving diverge whatsoever, not trying to harm diverge or Pendred in any way or anything of the sort. I just saw a new RP server and thought it was a fun new server and shared it with people I knew THROUGH DM's. Overall, I never had intent to harm Diverge at all, to advertise this server as a "new diverge" or try to leave diverge for that server.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): None, if anyone who I DM'ed on discord about the server would like to share screenshots of the DM's we had I am fully fine with that. Just don't include the server's name so you are not giving the server any publicity.

RE: Thinner's Ban Appeal - LoganE - 03-06-2024

Ain't no way you advertising a ripoff of diverge and got caught?

RE: Thinner's Ban Appeal - Dopedealer1337 - 03-06-2024

Not sure if he really was just talking about a new server exclusively through DM's or actually advertising but I feel like its a bit much to permaban over if hes sincerely apologetic about it and wasnt clear that it broke the rules. Should be reduced to a timed ban, however long.

RE: Thinner's Ban Appeal - Thinner - 03-06-2024

(03-06-2024, 07:23 PM)LoganE Wrote: Ain't no way you advertising a ripoff of diverge and got caught?
I wasn't trying to advertise it and get other people to leave diverge for it or anything. Its just Gmod I just want to have fun playing a game man. No harm intended.

RE: Thinner's Ban Appeal - Eospin - 03-06-2024

guys I just meant to advertise a competing server and leave if it was successful. Now that I see my actions end up with consequences and I am no longer able to bet on both sides and always win, ensuring that if this community somehow overtakes diverge I am able to take credit and if it dies I have plausible deniability, I would like to be unbanned. Please unban me, I do not want to play the reject server.

I think you should write "I will not advertise shitter servers" on a paper 200 times and then pay pendred like 300 bucks and then you can get unbanned.

RE: Thinner's Ban Appeal - Seansx - 03-06-2024

Guys.. I decided to be a staff manager for yet another diverge reject server. I dmed people telling them to join this server while being an ADMINISTRATOR for a server it is trying to kill off. I was banned and realized that me and the 8 other rejects here isn’t enough for a functioning server. Pendred please take me back!!

If your lucky you can make an appeal in a couple months and maybe then theres a chance you’ll get unbanned.

RE: Thinner's Ban Appeal - Eli-Moore - 03-06-2024

I mean, considering Thinner wasnt exactly leaving diverge or publicly advertising this dog shit server, i personally do not think he should get perma banned. I mean shit dude this man has a clean PO list. Look at mine. I personally do not think one should get perma banned for such a small thing such as trying out a new server. At least he didnt go like everybody else, RDMing everyone and giving away his shit.

RIP my manz, gone 2 soon.

RE: Thinner's Ban Appeal - Kylevanhorn - 03-06-2024

Being staff you advertised for another server which you know is a big no no... -Support from me

RE: Thinner's Ban Appeal - LoganE - 03-06-2024

(03-06-2024, 09:19 PM)Eli-Moore Wrote: I mean, considering Thinner wasnt exactly leaving diverge or publicly advertising this dog shit server, i personally do not think he should get perma banned. I mean shit dude this man has a clean PO list. Look at mine. I personally do not think one should get perma banned for such a small thing such as trying out a new server. At least he didnt go like everybody else, RDMing everyone and giving away his shit.

RIP my manz, gone 2 soon.
He wasn't banned for trying a new server though, he was banned for advertising to people a ripoff version of diverge networks, saying he is a staff manager. What's funny is he talked shit about that server's owner too which is mad funny.
BTW you think here is shit? Cope

RE: Thinner's Ban Appeal - Jimmy Maniscalco - 03-06-2024

"For some reason I was banned on every single Diverge related discord/platform besides the forums because of Global Rule 14. I did not whatsoever!"
"The only thing I can really think of is accepting a Staff Manager position on a rival 1980's RP server without notifying any UA on the server I'm moderating on!?"