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Drunken ban appeal - Printable Version

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Drunken ban appeal - Drunken - 03-06-2024

Your Character or Steam Name: Drunken

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:419429676

Your Discord ID#: Drunken#8071

Reason for ban: RDM x4 and LTAP

Length of ban: 7 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): So i was banned at around 3:45pm UK time the event that lead up to my ban occurred at around 3:20pm UK time. I leave for work at 3:30pm UK every Wednesday at the same time to get in for 4pm UK time. Throughout my years of playing Diverge i have never received a ban or a note for LTAP and the staff member handling it stated that he attempted to message me despite no messages coming through on my phone (evidence below.) I became notified of my ban at 8pm UK time through various sources and I began to question Mangos (banning staff member) as to why. His reasoning behind the ban of LTAP was completely as I did leave but not with any malicious intent. In my eyes the shooting which occurred was completely valid.

As seen in the clip below, I was seeing a suit to a man for the agreed upon amount of 60k he then gave me 40k and an excuse, he attempted to scam the suit off me which is why I shot him. The second shooting occurred when a man came over to me started hurling abuse at me and then spat on me, this is battery. I shot at him then he jumped into a car with two other accomplices. ALL of my shots were directed at the black man in the front passenger seat of the car. It is only due to a bug (I guess) that the other passengers were injured. From what I know from the rules both of these kills were valid as one tried to scam me and the other assaulted me.

After hearing about the ban i messaged Mangos the banning staff member, he generously gave me his time and told me why he banned me and that i should make a forum report. I also explained to Mangos that I did not receive his message as i was at work and it didn't come through. He then suggested that i should of messaged other staff members about the situation to which i replied that in my eyes the shooting was valid for what they did. The only problem with what i could see here was that Mangos banned me for RDM x4 despite only having evidence of one killing, the video clip that was provided showed that i shot the man recording first.

The reason to which I believe that Mangos banned me for x4 was that Darkfire (a staff member with observed all of this) said in staff chat that he had just saw me RDM 4 people. To the best of my knowledge Darkfire could have no input it the case as he observed it happen (unclear whether he was as staff or ic.)

Why should you be unbanned? I have been playing diverge for going on two - three years. I love playing the server and its always my goal at the end of the day to have fun and to stick to the rules to the best of my ability. 

Additional Information (images, videos, etc 




RE: Drunken ban appeal - LucidMangos - 03-07-2024

Hello Mr Riggs, Im the admin that took the initial sit that led to your ban. There was no scam, money was given to you, and then when you said not enough he asked for it back to which you gave it back. He attempted to work out a deal with guns but ultimately no transaction occurred. The money given to you, was returned to the original owner. Then while walking away he called you a bitch, to which you shot him. You know thats RDM, disrespect is not valid. Now the other 2 claimed he did indeed spit on you, which you admitted to, now spitting on someone over mic is just another form of disrespect. So RDM there as well. I had these 3 guys in a sit all telling me the same thing, your saying the black guy got shot for disrespect another guy got shot for spitting on you and that led to the 3rd guy dying. The 4th got off after you killed him, but honestly the nature of the context I saw all 4 kills as RDM.

Darkfire only said in staff chat "I just saw Riggs RDM 4 people". He had no further part in what led to me choosing whether or not you should be banned. I saw the clips, I saw the logs and I decided that you RDM 4 people. I tried to pull you noticed you disconnected 3 minutes after the 4th kill, I waited 15 and even messaged you and you know that. Thats why I banned you for LTAP, in the screenshot I see a message icon in the top right could you have simply missed that?

If you had joined back or messaged me even, and apologized and showed some sense of remorse, I would have been happy enough to give you a lower ban of 2 days. The kills are RDM, the LTAP is valid to me because it shows your negligence to server rules. As per the rules state if you disconnect to message an admin so they can wait and not have to ban for LTAP. In this case you RDMd hopped off, Im assuming thinking you didnt RDM anyone, but you did.

Here are the logs of all 4 kills: https://imgur.com/a/FBmecVx

RE: Drunken ban appeal - Drunken - 03-07-2024

As i said i thought the kills were ok and i couldn't rejoin as i was heading to work. And spitting on someone isn't disrespect its assault as stated in the penal code its it battery

RE: Drunken ban appeal - LucidMangos - 03-07-2024

(03-07-2024, 12:09 AM)Drunken Wrote: As i said i thought the kills were ok and i couldn't rejoin as i was heading to work. And spitting on someone isn't disrespect its assault as stated in the penal code its it battery
Spitting on someone is still not a valid reason to kill. When he spit on you its a form of disrespect which you can choose to engage or not engage with but not kill him. A cop witnessing it probably wouldve led to an arrest right? So why not give him some warnings to quite harassing you before you killed him?

RE: Drunken ban appeal - Drunken - 03-07-2024

Is that said in the rules, as by law it is battery which is defined as harmful or offensive contact with another

RE: Drunken ban appeal - LucidMangos - 03-07-2024

(03-07-2024, 12:21 AM)Drunken Wrote: Is that said in the rules, as by law it is battery which is defined as harmful or offensive contact with another
Rule number 4 of Killing rules: 
  1. If someone is loitering/following/harassing you you may give them warnings to leave you be, if they ignore several warnings and continue you may attack/kill them. (One warning will not suffice, multiple warnings in a very short time span will also not suffice, you have to give them time to react.)

RE: Drunken ban appeal - Drunken - 03-07-2024

He wasnt harassing me, he assaulted me. You need to look up battery laws


RE: Drunken ban appeal - LucidMangos - 03-07-2024

(03-07-2024, 12:40 AM)Drunken Wrote: He wasnt harassing me, he assaulted me. You need to look up battery laws

A person spitting on you still falls under that rule. You either give him the appropriate warnings to get him to stop before you can kill him, or you can get eye witnesses or CCTV footage and take it to the police. if he had done /me spits on you and then you went and did some "micro forsenics" with PD in RP it would show that you were spat on and you would be able to press charges. But my point is that when someone is actively spitting on you it falls under rule 4 of the killing rules. The person isnt actually threatening you he is quite literally insulting you by spitting on you.

RE: Drunken ban appeal - Drunken - 03-07-2024

It is not specified in that rule, can UA please comment on this as this would conflict with the penal code if it does

RE: Drunken ban appeal - LucidMangos - 03-07-2024

Oh also not to mention under the police/government rules it states:

You must have a reason to arrest/kill someone; you may not kill/arrest for these following reasons:
Minor Traffic accidents
Non violent actions/Non serious crimes. It's a video game man