Diverge Networks
Schiz Staff app - Printable Version

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Schiz Staff app - Schiz - 02-12-2021

In-Game Name(s): Jimmie Rozalus, John Cashalot
Steam Name: Sellox
Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Sellox
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:85190867
Discord Username: Schizinity#0505
Age: 21
Total playtime on Server: 1w, 3d, 11h
Time Zone: CST
How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: A couple days 3/4 a day, and Sunday’s I’m typically on all day
Have you read the rules?: Of course
Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
Do you acknowledge that you must attend all staff meetings (Unless you have stated why you cannot beforehand): Yes, I work 1-1 CST though so would have to recap after
Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Nope
Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes
Long Answer
Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum.

What is your motivation/reason for applying?:  *

It gets annoying trying to roleplay on a server when there are people who literally are trying to do the opposite. Sadly at night, when I get off of work there are NEVER staff on, and if they are, they're always AFK, so minges are always present. I'd love to clean up the server at night so it can maintain playable even in after hours

Why should you be considered over other candidates?:  *

I don't tolerate bullshit, I can tell when a dumbass is lying a mile away, instead of wasting time I take the problem and solve it. Also I only play/can be on at night, when all the other staff is all off, or asleep, and when all the minges are on.

Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): A long time ago on some random server in darkrp, but mainly in other games, not gmod
Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: No
Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?:  * Nah, not really, the few i do know would call me a leader though
Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names:
Problem Solving
Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take.

Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: If theres another staff not doing anything, let them take care of it. If im the only staff on i hop on duty and do my job
You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: Get a recording, simple as that
A very good friend of yours joins the server. Over the course of an hour, you’ve received multiple complaints about them not following rules, RDM’ing, and minging. How do you proceed knowing this can affect your friendship with them?: Warn them just like any other player, either way my friends wouldnt do this bc i wouldve let them known that in the first place.

RE: Schiz Staff app - Cypher1357 - 02-12-2021

+1 Very professional person, everything stated about night time is accurate all minges never any admins to take care of the situations instead they either AFK or John the mingery

RE: Schiz Staff app - thug nasty - 02-12-2021

(02-12-2021, 09:21 AM)Cypher1357 Wrote: +1 Very professional person, everything stated about night time is accurate all minges never any admins to take care of the situations instead they either AFK or John the mingery
+1 idk if this is where I'm supposed to put this but He's super professional when it comes to RP, and has a great understanding of it. Night time is almost unplayable, and I think Schiz would be the perfect person to crack down on the bullshit that goes on at night. He can be pretty harsh at times but he is always fair. a no bs guy.

RE: Schiz Staff app - Drax - 02-12-2021

+1 Known him for awhile and he is pretty chill he gets on at nights so that can help with dealing with issues later at night and plus he is professional and can keep his cool in stressful situatuations.

RE: Schiz Staff app - Chad - 02-12-2021

-1 It looks like you got all your friends to +1 this. You have no staffing experience on Garry's Mod. On the question "Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?" You didn't do the 5 sentence requirement.

RE: Schiz Staff app - Schiz - 02-12-2021

(02-12-2021, 08:17 PM)Chad Wrote: -1 It looks like you got all your friends to +1 this. You have no staffing experience on Garry's Mod. On the question "Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?" You didn't do the 5 sentence requirement.
Yes, that’s how it works, last time in my faction app I was told everything was perfect except I didn’t get people to +rep the family, so I’m not about to get denied Bc I didn’t get my friends to +rep, all are ingame role players, so as a community they are responding. And I’m not known really outside my family, am I suppose to explain in 5 sentences why I’m not?

RE: Schiz Staff app - Mudjug - 02-13-2021

Not his friend, and still +1. Dudes quick, clean and straight to the point. No bullshit, no over explaination. I feel that would make an excellent transition into reliable staffing.

RE: Schiz Staff app - Xavier Romano - 02-13-2021

+1, Very professional and clean dude. overall great roleplayer and person

Schiz Staff app - Pendred - 02-14-2021

Thank you for applying to the Diverge Networks staff team!
It is my pleasure to inform you that your application has been accepted.

Please ensure that you have read and understood the Staff Handbook.
Contact myself or another member of Management on Discord for training and to get setup.