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jasonm ban appeal - Printable Version

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jasonm ban appeal - JasonM - 03-12-2024

Your Character or Steam Name: JasonM

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):  STEAM_0:0:165705512

Your Discord ID#: jasonm69_2.0

Reason for ban: Item Transfer | Middle man money transfer

Length of ban: 2 Days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):
  First off I just want to say that what I have done was not intentional at all or meant with any ill intention it was an honest mistake that I will try to explain in this from my point of view and even if I don't get unbanned I would just like to clear up what happened, so basically what happened one of my friends came up to me asking to help him with a favor and I agreed what it was, was he asked me if he could give me money for me to give it to his "cousin" which we were both ignorant to it being item transferring which I will show proof in additional information I then went on to giving his cousin the money where we proceeded to go to a casino and I watched him gamble then he put the money back to his previous life now on paper this seems kind of stupid and obvious that it is item transferring and to be fair since I have been playing the server for a while I should have caught on that it was but it probably just because I was tired at that point where I just didn't realize. It was only until the ban where I looked back and thought yeah that was item transferring. 

Why should you be unbanned? 
To be honest, I was banned fairly but nothing was meant with ill intent, it was just ignorance and tiredness on my part. I just wanted to clear up what happened

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/20xcNidHzJjW1i/d1337YihjoVY?invite=cr-MSxvMW4sNDg2Njk3ODks

jasonm ban appeal - BoomRoasted - 03-12-2024

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules