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PK Appeal | Eugene Le'Cassier - Printable Version

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PK Appeal | Eugene Le'Cassier - The Holiday Inn - 03-16-2024

Name of Character: 

     Eugene Le'Cassier



Your Discord ID#: 


Date of PK: 


Reason for PK: 

     Not sure, assuming it had to do with me unknowingly joining a crime family and wanting to leave aftering being 'hired on'.

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:

     Under PK Guidelines, subpoint #13, "... [Entry level associates who are not made or deeply committed to the organization may leave without harm as their position is low and they know very little. (Security, waiters, doormen, drivers, etc)]..." are exclusively prohibited from being involved in a 'PermaKill'. Since my position in the organization was limited to simple security work (I responded to an advertisement about security work at 'The Blue Lobster' [Screenshot proof linked below], there shouldn't be any reasonable expectation that I knew anything about any illegal activities. Once my 30 minutes of labor elapsed and my wage payout was expected, one of the lady's (Who I assume is deeper in the organization) took me into an alley behind the Imperial Hotel where she began to invite me to a discord and made clear that it was OOC. I joined and made my intentions clear right off the ripe, I told her that I wanted to remain in good standing with the BAR Association and that I wanted to continue my work strictly as a Security Guard. She seemed okay with it and inducted me into their discord server. Most other Mobs are fine with a simple Security Guard in their discord so I didn't think much of it. As soon as she brought me over to the Electronic Store and said something about being an Associate, I stopped her again and said that I only wanted to do Security work for money until my reinstatement to the BAR came through, she stopped and said that she needed to talk to her bosses about it. That is when they brought me down to the docks and decided to have me do some dirty work for them, I refused to even know what they wanted me to do and so I went AFK and came back to my Character PK'ed.

     Furthermore, subpoint #2 clearly outlines that the family or members therewithin must have suffered damages from the targeted character in order for a 'PermaKill' to be ordered by command of a family. A simple $20k payout for doing security work is what they gave me during my 40 minute venture. Those were wages owed as seen in the advertisement linked below. There was no irreversible damage done. You could make the argument that they inducted me as an associate however once presented this position, I turned it down. I had no information about their operation except for the lady telling me something about, "W." What is 'W'? Weed? How am I suppose to legally go to the cops and tell them this, I can't. That is not good roleplay.

     Lastly, subpoint #13 goes onto explain that, "You may be asked to provide proof of these claims. However a Don/Boss is able to order his subordinates to be killed without much oversight." However, within 40 minutes of casual security work, it is hard to prove that I knew who the organizations Don or Boss were. The only person who inducted me was a lady. Where in most Mobs, women are strictly off limits, so I don't think that this is reasonable to suspect that the Don of a Crime Family were to induct me. This can simply be boiled down to the fact that they screwed up, recruited someone who didn't have intentions to join their hierarchy and they took action after overstepping the pleas of the ones they go to accept. I was perfectly fine with staying out of the faction but they were the ones who insisted on recruiting me.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:


I have videos of them PKing while AFK and inducting me.

RE: PK Appeal | Eugene Le'Cassier - Toast - 03-16-2024

I'm not involved in the PK here, but the advertisement literally states "full time only" which usually means being inducted into said criminal org as an entry level associate. However, if your intentions weren't to be inducted into said criminal org, you shouldn't respond to the advertisement when trying to seek out employment. Most factions will not have someone as a "basic security guard", because they have associates and other members of the faction usually posted up at their property/properties, which would make the need to have a "basic security guard" completely redundant. However, a PK in my eyes isn't justified here, a simple "sorry we're only looking for people to join the business as full time employees, so we'll have to let you go" and a simple removal from the faction would suffice.

PK Appeal | Eugene Le'Cassier - Yober - 03-16-2024

Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Thank you thank you this is a wonderfully comprehensive appeal

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.