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Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - DoctorZoso - 04-01-2024

Name: Curtis Lowe
Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199230092406
Discord ID: DoctorZoso
Reason for Ban: MetaGaming, Money Transer
Length of Ban: 14 days
Reason for appeal: Been extremely active lately and have found myself playing this server by choice over the last month since finally having time with my new work schedule. The ban was due to mugging in which I would mug and then give the money to a my best friend around the city. I'd been mugging as a immigrant seriel mugger role from russia by the name "Barefoot Bandit". I read through the server and network rules 3 times to ensure I understand EVERYTHING after my ban. I truly try to learn from my mistakes and correct those same mistakes. I've taken screen shots as notes to have when I need them. For the metagaming, I read the rules and was completely in violation for using discord call as a means of communication. Keep in mind I started playing the server 4/19/23. Yes sounds like it's been long enough to understand everything as far as I knew I thought I was in the clear of any violations after readying the mugging rules. Reason being for using the third party platform for communication is due to my friend not having a mic. So he uses his phone to speak. I introduced him into the server around a month ago when he got his first pc. We are both really new to the pc shit. Him more so than myself. It'd been year since reading the rules myself and have obviously found myself in violation. (I take full responsibility for my fuck ups). I haven't been in much trouble since really grinding my main account with the mafia families. I actually just became made yesterday after almost a year of grinding. Started the family a day after joing the server on 4/20/23. I've taken it very seriously and played my role heavily. Yes I have priors. But anything I've been in violation for I keep in mind to not ever do again. As far for the money transfer, I've never intentionally moved money from a alternate account to my main account. The situation with the "money transfer" violation. Was purely a mishap. Explained. When I brought my friend into the server I know alot of individuals don't stick it out because of that first initial grind and time put into getting started. I loaned him 200k and told him to pay me back when he's comfortable. On top of that I also sold home 3 clothing items so he had clothing to feel established (not look like a noob). Yoons waistcoat, flamingo chain rose gold, and a black dolce diavolo set. Told him to pay me 30k for yoons, 75k for chain, and 100k for the diavolo set. It never occurred to me that when I was committing the muggings and handing him cash that when he paid me back on my main it was violation of money transfer. Since I gave him money on my main and also on my second char. I didn't think of it that way because that was not the intention. Nor was it premeditated. But I understand how that gets tied up into that violation. Completely. I understand me handing him money on one char and that same character paying me money owed on my main breaks those rules. Even though he already had that money ready for me (so he says). It was honestly a dumb mistake neither of us knew we were doing wrong. If I could turn back time I would have taken the mugging profits and had him use a alternate char to give him the money so we wouldn't be in violation of the rules, as well so it didn't get tied up looking like either of us was trying to money transfer. Neither of us considered it because those were never the intentions and as I stated not premeditated. I'm content with the pk on my "Curtis Lowe" char. He was a mugger and his time was around the corner. But I hope my main isn't pkd. I really do follow the rules and now after a year I've re-read the rules thoroughly. I love the server and the community and hope I can get a lighter sentence in this ban so I can get back In the city and just play my role as my mafia man. I can promise not to do either offenses again. As for my friend cub, I hope he can get unbanned. It wasn't his fault I should have been more aware of the server rules and guidelines and just had him stick to faction rules. Considering I introduced him into the city recently. I don't feel he deserved a pk or ban. He extremely new to both the server and pc gaming. I try my best to help him out considering all the different things you have to learn. Again we both apologize for the inconvenience of our actions and not being up to date with the rules we broke. Thank you for your consideration and look forward to your reply.

RE: Ban Appeal - Somespy - 04-02-2024

Hi, I banned you for metagame and money transfer. I noticed you were going around scamming people with a friend. It occurred to me that you were metagaming, due to the fact that no words were ever said in game when you were with your buddy. I brought you to a sit and you did admit to metagaming. With 15 notes, I'd expect you to at least know that being in a discord call to talk about IC stuff isn't allowed. And the money transfer also isn't allowed. I should have banned your friend for "mugging char" instead of money transfer since you gave him money on his main, to which he switched to a white shirt shortly after getting the money. If you're going to scam someone with a buddy, you're not allowed to switch characters until the time limit is up. Considering YOU have a previous offense for this, you should have told him not to do that in your discord call.

RE: Ban Appeal - DoctorZoso - 04-02-2024

Yes, I agree with you fully and take full responsibility for my fuck ups. I have been LOA for some time and recently made my return to the city. I did admit to my faults for I was in the wrong. I should have been a better leader for my friend and been more aware of what I was doing. Mistakes happen in which often times individuals either learn or do not learn from those mistakes. I myself have learned and will be extra cautious to follow the set rules for the server. I did not deny anything you told me out of respect for you and other staff that work effortlessly to keep this server as wonderful as it is. As well as I am a honest person and didn't want to waste anyone's time trying to lie. I apologize to you and all others involved sincerely. If I could be unbanned you will see I am true to my words. I understand my priors do not look good. I will say when I first began in the city I did not fully understand the importance of following such set rules and was reckless. I do apologize for my current and past mistakes. I truly am a huge supporter of this server and community. If I could be allowed the chance to prove this, I will guarantee to not disappoint any staff or fellow players. I promise to just stick to my RP role and not veer any other direction. I value how well you handled the situation. I understand how my actions were not approved and where I went wrong. With my prior offenses I wish to state that I didn't know at the time how great this server is and how well I enjoy everyone in the community including all staff. I understand if you have made your final decision and there are no hard feeling there. Not only have I studied all the rules 3 times thoroughly. I have also taken screenshots to keep in mind in the future. Please consider my appeal. These mistakes will NEVER happen again. A second chance would be appreciated greatly. Every word I type I truly mean. I accepted my mistakes and owned them fully and hope you see that it was a huge error on my end. I don't want to tarnish the server or anyone's experience at all. I respect you for setting it straight to me and allowing myself during the sit down to explain my mistakes. Somespy, from the bottom of my heart I apologize for these issues I've caused. These rules I broke will never be violated again by myself while I'm playing MafiaRP. I also will promise to always keep IC conversations in either the gamechat or discord associated with Diverge. That was a dumb mistake just trying to make conversation easier since my friend doesn't have a mic and is a slow typer. I own that fully and hope you understand and accept my apology. Thank you.

And as far as the switching char. I did stay as my character during the cooldown and should have been aware and vocal in informing him to not switch. I will not deny or try to justify what I did wrong. It was against the rules and I will swallow that. I hope you know how sincere I am with my apologies and accepting my mistakes. These offenses will never occur again by me. Truly.

RE: Ban Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 04-02-2024

You seem to consistently have an issue of valuing money over roleplay, this is not Dark RP. While grinding and making money is an aspect of the server roleplay super cedes it and based on your amount of previous bans, type of previous bans and previous appeals you seem to consistently make this mistake. What's different this time?

RE: Ban Appeal - DoctorZoso - 04-02-2024

You are correct. The difference is when I first joined Diverge I had no experience with RP. I had played DarkRP for about a month prior to discovering Diverge and will say I was influenced by the previous servers on Gmod. I will admit when I first joined I didn't know the value or impact the server would have on myself. I've dropped every game for this server and still do. Since starting I've grown and adapted well with the RP and found myself consumed with how enjoyable it is. The money aspect you are also correct, I didn't fully understand what I had to do. I've since learned the value of RP in the server and enjoy that more than anything! I will say, my priors are before I realized how great this community is. Truly. Once I came to realization I began to really try and to everything the correct way. I have had my mishaps and mistakes. I truly am sorry. As well as I will admit when I first joined I came straight to the city didn't read any rules and suffered the consequences. I deeply apologize. I would be willing to accept a permanent ban if you ever see any actions like these again committed by myself. I have thoroughly studied the rules and want to ensure I don't find myself in another sit down. I understand something are out of my control, but being the problem is situations is fully in my control if I put the effort into having the knowledge before doing something stupid. Which I have. I promise to not find myself in the predicament again. I'm well up to date with the rules and will continue to keep my eye on them before doing anything I feel could violate those set rules and standards..

RE: Ban Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 04-02-2024

Your character appeal will be denied. I will accept this appeal and reduce it.

If I see you being banned again in the near future I will not hesitate to deny your appeals / extend the ban to permanent. Most players get fewer than 1 bans.

Ban Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 04-02-2024

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be reduced to 7 days.