Diverge Networks
Commander's Staff Application - Printable Version

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Commander's Staff Application - Commander - 02-22-2021

General Information

In-Game Name(s):

Dr. John C. Smith M.D. P.h.D.

Dr. Sean Hayes P.h.D. 

Steam Name: Commander

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/CommanderRGN/

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79660906

Discord Username: Commander#0927

Age: 16

Total playtime on Server (Do !time in-game): 2 Hours

Time Zone: EST

How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: ~14-21 (Maybe and probably more) Hours/Week

Have you read the rules?: Yes

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes

Do you acknowledge that you must attend all staff meetings (Unless you have stated why you cannot beforehand): Yes

Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Yes

Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes

Long Answer
(Questions proceeded with an asterisk require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. )

What is your motivation/reason for applying?:  *

Well quite frankly, this server needs help. When I came into Mobsters, I saw the same as I saw in this server, after being brought in by old friends, and I feared immediately when I hoped in and saw no administration, all that was there was Pendred. The community owner doing simple administration with a ticket back-log of a few hours long. I'm applying because I know the potential in diverge and I know I can help grow it and make it much more efficient and better. In addition to that, I believe I can bring ultimate change, being an experienced staffer and manager in multiple areas from being a gamemaster to being an owner of a few networks along the way. I know I can be a true leader and make this server one of the best, if not the best servers in all of Garry's mod.

Why should you be considered over other candidates?:  *

Well, I'd answer this question with another, why not me. I mean, realistically I never expected two hours into a server to have to apply for staff because of the genuine lack of. But if you have to ask yourself honestly, why commander, well I guess I'll tell you why... I've been everywhere I've done everything, and being a leader is my nature, revitalizing and making the best networks has been what I always do. My end goal isn't to be promoted, it isn't to be a divine force, my goal is to make this server a better place, and some candidates just want to say "haha i admin nwo" whereas I just want to make this network the best place for both players and staff.

Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long):

Various and different Networks 2014-2020 Ranks varying

Restoration Gaming Networks: 2017-2018; Co-Owner

Restoration Gaming Networks 2018-2020: Network Counsel; Personnel Management Officer

Typhon Networks 2020: Senior Moderator for endorsements

Mobsters Paradise: Senior-Admin for personnel and Bans| Legal RP Deputy Lead

Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: No, never been banned.

Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?:  *

I would say I am well known, I've been in the roleplaying genre for quite some time now and my characters have been big in every server they've been in. From John C. Smith being Mayor in Mobsters and Typhon to being both the mayor and chief Judge I am relatively known. As far as if I am liked, well that is a question I cannot answer, but I can only assume the fact that I was the sole reason some servers had been active for much a time, or that certain abusive members of staff or server base have been removed. I cannot speak on people's opinions nor will it be something I will do now, because this is a community, and a community can have their opinions represented equally. So sure, let's say I am liked, but to me, I won't stop working until I do my job and make the server better for everyone to be liked. 

Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names:

Well none of them knew I was applying so I would say no.

Problem Solving
(Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take.)

Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?:

If I am the victim, I would call for another staff member to open a ticket and to handle the situation as though they were any other players.

If I am a witness, I would (if possible in roleplay, otherwise I'd delegate and share my side of things), hop onto my admin char and begin a sit, first bringing the victim ensuring that I get the full story before I bring the instigator at which case I question him and determine a reasonable punishment in most cases this will be a verbal warning.

You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?:

I'd record it and document it, having more evidence while bringing it up to management/their superior.

A very good friend of yours joins the server. Over the course of an hour, you’ve received multiple complaints about them not following rules, RDM’ing, and minging. How do you proceed knowing this can affect your friendship with them?:

I'd proceed as though they are just another player and determine the punishment in accordance with the punishment policy for the network, given the overall RDM and Minge, it would be grounds for a warn, and if another report were to surface it'd result in a kick. 


Thank you ahead of time for your consideration,

RE: Commander's Staff Application - Rem - 02-22-2021

Application looks great
No negatives besides play time
Due to no play time, if I see any issues with you in game, I will change my vote easily.

RE: Commander's Staff Application - Chad - 02-22-2021

-1 2 hours on the server

RE: Commander's Staff Application - Commander - 02-23-2021

(02-22-2021, 11:35 PM)Chad Wrote: -1 2 hours on the server
I mean it's good to know you personally prefer quantity over quality. Maybe ask the overall player base about me before inciting a negative stereotype because of hours spent on, when I've been in the genre longer than some people have been playing Garry's Mod. Only difference is, I decided to come on late to ensure the player base was better and more unique because of the failures at MP and TP-N. Nonetheless, I don't blame you and appreciate the feedback.

(02-22-2021, 09:33 PM)Rem Wrote: +1
Application looks great
No negatives besides play time
Due to no play time, if I see any issues with you in game, I will change my vote easily.
Much appreciative feedback and I thank you for the +1, however, please note in cases of staff shortages or issues, sometimes quality over quantity especially in these more realistic RP areas is for the better.

RE: Commander's Staff Application - AutictekPanda - 02-23-2021

+1 he has way more hours on MafiaRP he is just new to this specific server. great choice!

RE: Commander's Staff Application - GRANATA - 02-23-2021

+1 guy is great I know him from previous servers

RE: Commander's Staff Application - coda - 03-04-2021


RE: Commander's Staff Application - Zook - 03-12-2021

-1 This guy is an actual narcissist, he is full of himself. On other servers I have seen him staff on he quotes himself as the “best staff” which some would see as a good thing but when you look into it he thinks very highly of himself and acts very entitled. I’ve seen him only be kind or understanding to a small group of people in which he knows/ are friends with. If you accept him so be it it but he isn’t staff material in my opinion.

RE: Commander's Staff Application - ZOOMER - 03-21-2021

Ah yes, a fellow SS-Gericht veteran. I remember you back when Swiper was Gericht chief.

But I digress, couple of things to note from a staff members' perspective:

Your application itself possesses no notable errors as far as im concerned. Experience-wise, looks like you have a couple of staffing experiences under your belt, which is a bonus. Overall i don't see any major issues with the application and experience except for the your overall server hours which isn't really a huge issue but its usually advisable to have atleast a decent amount of hours to examine the workings of the community.

With no previous interactions, i cannot comment fully whether or not you are quality staff material base on your demeanor, so i can only assess what i can based on your application itself.

In conclusion:

The application itself looks to be superb and generally i don't have any problems with it. Overall, my stance will be somewhat neutral but more incline towards a +1.

Thank you for showing interest in joining the staff team and i wish you goodluck.

RE: Commander's Staff Application - coda - 03-22-2021

From my past experiences with this person he has been arrogant and rude. Would not recommend.