Diverge Networks
Ban Appeal for Mikey - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal for Mikey - Chonky Poo - 03-09-2021

Your Name: George / Michael "Mikey Bones
" Corcione

Your SteamID  (Click to retrieve):
Cant get on server because I'm banned so IDK
Reason for ban:
Length of ban:
2 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):
I had gotten on the server that day and went AFK in the character loading screen I didn't choose a char and disconnected there is no possible way for me to have LTARP
Why should you be unbanned?
I didn't do the action
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A

RE: Ban Appeal for Mikey - Fitz - 03-09-2021

Hello, there
I am the banning staff member. 

For clarification, 

 You were banned because you left during a mugging, you were currently tied and your inventory was getting searched.

I waited like 6-10 minutes until banning you, and you didn't say anything in the discord or anything. It was clear in the logs of what you did as we can see the time stamp of you being searched then the time stamp of disconnecting.  You did not even make an effort to reconnect, as well. I suggest you are honest during this appeal. As well, you are stating that you were indeed in game at the time, which you were not.

Good Luck.

Ban Appeal for Mikey - Rem - 03-09-2021

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be removed from your account shortly.