Your Name: anglo
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):Your Name:STEAM_0:1:572811090
Reason for ban: Resisting arrest and fail RP
Length of ban:2 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):I was trying to create an role-playing moment then they call an admin super quick after I escaped their custody and before the end and even said anything I was just banned for two days
Why should you be unbanned?:There was about eight cops there I was trying to create an RP moment I even hid in the bathroom for a little bit when they finally tased me and got me I escaped while i was tied I ran to the gas station then they called the admin and the admin banned me for 2 days. They didn't say it was fail RP into the admin came . So if there was like eight cops there you're telling me all they have to do is right click get me they didn't say they call an admin to ban me instead of role playing and trying to catch me I think that I should be unbanned because what happened happened so quick that I didn't get to tell my side he just showed up and banned me if a prisoner gets loose the cop should get them not call an Admin and have me ban. plus i am super new to the server only 2 days on no warning or anything
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):Your Name:STEAM_0:1:572811090
Reason for ban: Resisting arrest and fail RP
Length of ban:2 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):I was trying to create an role-playing moment then they call an admin super quick after I escaped their custody and before the end and even said anything I was just banned for two days
Why should you be unbanned?:There was about eight cops there I was trying to create an RP moment I even hid in the bathroom for a little bit when they finally tased me and got me I escaped while i was tied I ran to the gas station then they called the admin and the admin banned me for 2 days. They didn't say it was fail RP into the admin came . So if there was like eight cops there you're telling me all they have to do is right click get me they didn't say they call an admin to ban me instead of role playing and trying to catch me I think that I should be unbanned because what happened happened so quick that I didn't get to tell my side he just showed up and banned me if a prisoner gets loose the cop should get them not call an Admin and have me ban. plus i am super new to the server only 2 days on no warning or anything