Your Name: Manuel Antonio
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): [color=var(--text-normal)]76561198407766089
Reason for ban: LTARP
Length of ban: 12 hours
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): got in a car chase with a cop he got out his vehicle (btw during the whole car chase my game kept freezing and kept looping sounds) after he got out his vehicle I ran him the fuck over like full on crushed that mf even heard the "ARRGH" sound effect, hopped out the car, froze and the sound started looping again, then it stopped and my game just disapeared.
Why should you be unbanned? well like I said I crashed which is something I dont have control over. He also died in the scene, in what world would I ltap if the cop chasing me got crushed. and if you ask why i didnt came back, well he died so I wasnt about to come back in game, decide to something more productive.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I wish I would of saved the clip but the 5 minutes have passed. ask the cop that I murdered.
idk how the fuck he didnt die wtf
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): [color=var(--text-normal)]76561198407766089
Reason for ban: LTARP
Length of ban: 12 hours
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): got in a car chase with a cop he got out his vehicle (btw during the whole car chase my game kept freezing and kept looping sounds) after he got out his vehicle I ran him the fuck over like full on crushed that mf even heard the "ARRGH" sound effect, hopped out the car, froze and the sound started looping again, then it stopped and my game just disapeared.
Why should you be unbanned? well like I said I crashed which is something I dont have control over. He also died in the scene, in what world would I ltap if the cop chasing me got crushed. and if you ask why i didnt came back, well he died so I wasnt about to come back in game, decide to something more productive.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I wish I would of saved the clip but the 5 minutes have passed. ask the cop that I murdered.
idk how the fuck he didnt die wtf