06-06-2021, 12:57 AM
Your Name: Metrail
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:224926982
Reason for ban: "Item transferring across characters",
"Metagamed,But knows what to do from now on",
"Mugging In Public | Fail Mug | Past Offense(s)",
"Abusing Character switch to heal injuries",
"RDM | Minging".
"Metagamed,But knows what to do from now on",
"Mugging In Public | Fail Mug | Past Offense(s)",
"Abusing Character switch to heal injuries",
"RDM | Minging".
Length of ban: N/A
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): BOTH, Item transferring wasn't me transferring them it was someone else, someone walked up to me and passed me guns and then another guy came up to me and asked if I wanted to do shit so I agreed so I gave him guns and we did shit. Metagaming was when I was being kidnapped on my cop char and I said in /rpd "This guy is parking in an alleyway" when I was pulling him over so I called for extra backup BEFORE he took my comms, the staff unbanned me because he knew it was wrong. Mugging in public was when I was aiming a gun at Sonic Weber in city hall and he broke fearRP and I got banned for it, I was trying to take him to a dark place but then he broke fearRP and I got banned anyway without the staff even letting me explain my actions and reasonings. Abusing char to avoid injuries was when Jake Grant punched me as an RDM joke so I called staff for heal and none came so I took it into my own hands to solve the issue without wasting staff time [I should be thanked], RDM minging is when like me and 6+ people were couping against the police and a police literally hit me when I respawned and he NLRed then canadian bacon instantly banned me instead of him for RDM minging.
All of these are false.
All of these are false.
Why should you be unbanned? Because of the above.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Literally none of these reasons I was banned like no admin actually brought me to a sit to let me explain anything resulting in several false bans and a serious appeal like this.