11-05-2021, 12:12 AM
Your Name: Tommy DeVilla
Your SteamID : https://steamcommunity.com/id/ghoulygod999/
Reason for ban: Metagaming in OOC or something like that
Length of ban: 6 hours
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Im appealing because I feel like I didnt deserve to get banned, but i do apologized.
Why should you be unbanned? Well i have much to blame sure and i did act ignorant but only because of how tired i was getting muted twice and then banned to speak on OOC and then i post a petition link as a joke which resulted to my ban. No warning even if they said they did, I was muted off rip and i do apologize and dont deserve to get banned. And i lost things i was grinding for so like come on man.
Your SteamID : https://steamcommunity.com/id/ghoulygod999/
Reason for ban: Metagaming in OOC or something like that
Length of ban: 6 hours
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Im appealing because I feel like I didnt deserve to get banned, but i do apologized.
Why should you be unbanned? Well i have much to blame sure and i did act ignorant but only because of how tired i was getting muted twice and then banned to speak on OOC and then i post a petition link as a joke which resulted to my ban. No warning even if they said they did, I was muted off rip and i do apologize and dont deserve to get banned. And i lost things i was grinding for so like come on man.