01-28-2022, 01:01 AM
Your Name: Lawson
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:460163435
Reason for ban: Terrible History.
Length of ban: Permenant
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Ok so I was banned in March 2021 due to my horrendous History with bans kicks ect so over the past almost 10 months Ive played more serious RP servers than I can count Ive played on multiple WL Only Servers on GMOD and Mostly FiveM through these times I learned how to do real RP and Looking back the shit I did on this server was nothing short of just embarrassing Running around being a sqeaker kid Minging and not taking RP serious not to mention having an Ego the size of the eiffle tower I dont expect to ever be able to erase that history but id like to atleast make a chance at bringing a positive light to my name in this community with better RP.
Why should you be unbanned? I want to do some good RP to make this server fun for everyone Im done with my childish shit and want to really enjoy this server like I did when I first started here Now I dont expect everyone to jump at the Idea of unbanning but give me one more chance and I promise I will never fuck up again and If you see even the slightest bit of Minge RP I expect to be permed and I will never make a Ban appeal again this is just for me to show yall I truly have grown and want yall to be able to enjoy my RP.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:460163435
Reason for ban: Terrible History.
Length of ban: Permenant
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Ok so I was banned in March 2021 due to my horrendous History with bans kicks ect so over the past almost 10 months Ive played more serious RP servers than I can count Ive played on multiple WL Only Servers on GMOD and Mostly FiveM through these times I learned how to do real RP and Looking back the shit I did on this server was nothing short of just embarrassing Running around being a sqeaker kid Minging and not taking RP serious not to mention having an Ego the size of the eiffle tower I dont expect to ever be able to erase that history but id like to atleast make a chance at bringing a positive light to my name in this community with better RP.
Why should you be unbanned? I want to do some good RP to make this server fun for everyone Im done with my childish shit and want to really enjoy this server like I did when I first started here Now I dont expect everyone to jump at the Idea of unbanning but give me one more chance and I promise I will never fuck up again and If you see even the slightest bit of Minge RP I expect to be permed and I will never make a Ban appeal again this is just for me to show yall I truly have grown and want yall to be able to enjoy my RP.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A