(04-15-2022, 11:03 PM)DaSchmeeze Wrote:Do you mind explaining a little more? Because the only people we have killed was someone in the " Red Dragons " and that was because he attempted to steal some pots from another person in my organization.[-1]
I really like the idea of a Jewish Crime Family/Mafia, however the interactions I have had with you in-game lead me to believe that you guys will be a minge group. You just tried RDMing one of my guys and I don't know if the seriousness is there to make it work.
(04-15-2022, 11:30 PM)Dong Wrote:What do you mean by " Constantly "? If I'm not mistaken if we were " constantly " breaking server rules in the server half of us would be banned and there would be a lot more -1s. Also, could you elaborate a little more, what rules did we break and when?-1
Good concept but they're just a bunch of minges. Constantly breaking server rules, wont be able to run a faction let alone survive in Miami if they haven't even read the rules.