11-21-2022, 02:07 AM
Your Name:Steve
Staff Member involved:Zane
What flags were blacklisted from you?
ET Flags
Reason for blacklist (if given):Flag abuse
Why should they be returned?:I made a spike strip for the police and was testing it out with the district attorney on a car after i deleted it i guess zane came by and warned but but i dont think i heard him or saw the warn.someone else wanted to try the strip on there car so i let them and they crashed there car into it. after that i deleted it and went afk for a few hours i came back and found my flags were gone. main reason i want them back is for my homeless rp town in the park. im relatively new to the server and garrys mod itself and only glanced over the rules i now plan to read over them for the future so i dont loose my $15.
Staff Member involved:Zane
What flags were blacklisted from you?

Reason for blacklist (if given):Flag abuse
Why should they be returned?:I made a spike strip for the police and was testing it out with the district attorney on a car after i deleted it i guess zane came by and warned but but i dont think i heard him or saw the warn.someone else wanted to try the strip on there car so i let them and they crashed there car into it. after that i deleted it and went afk for a few hours i came back and found my flags were gone. main reason i want them back is for my homeless rp town in the park. im relatively new to the server and garrys mod itself and only glanced over the rules i now plan to read over them for the future so i dont loose my $15.