12-12-2022, 07:32 PM
Your Name: Stevens
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:420037100
Reason for ban: NITRP | Minge | Multiple NLR | Abusing prop
Length of ban: 2 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Bit of both
Why should you be unbanned? I am very sorry for the harmful actions that I may have caused during the night of December 11th 2022. It was late so myself and a couple of friends decided to partake in some goofing around. I was extremely high and just wanted to do a little bit of trolling. Breakdown of the ban; the ‘Multiple NLR’ portion of the ban was me simply returning to the motel over and over again to make dumb pink smoke with my car to mess with some people that were getting overly upset. I also returned a few times to place down cassettes that were playing loud music to mess with them. The Prop abuse bit was because I found a car with a Hi-Fi radio in its trunk and used it to flip a car. I thought it was my friend's car, if I was aware it wasn't my friend's car I would have never tried to flip it. I don't have any POs (that I'm aware of) and was surprised to see how long the ban was, considering someone who did the same thing minutes before me only received a kick. I feel like my ban time of 2 days is a bit much and it should be lowered to 12 hours or be completely to match the punishment of the individual who was kicked for doing the same thing as myself.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): If you would like I can send a picture of my cat.
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:420037100
Reason for ban: NITRP | Minge | Multiple NLR | Abusing prop
Length of ban: 2 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Bit of both
Why should you be unbanned? I am very sorry for the harmful actions that I may have caused during the night of December 11th 2022. It was late so myself and a couple of friends decided to partake in some goofing around. I was extremely high and just wanted to do a little bit of trolling. Breakdown of the ban; the ‘Multiple NLR’ portion of the ban was me simply returning to the motel over and over again to make dumb pink smoke with my car to mess with some people that were getting overly upset. I also returned a few times to place down cassettes that were playing loud music to mess with them. The Prop abuse bit was because I found a car with a Hi-Fi radio in its trunk and used it to flip a car. I thought it was my friend's car, if I was aware it wasn't my friend's car I would have never tried to flip it. I don't have any POs (that I'm aware of) and was surprised to see how long the ban was, considering someone who did the same thing minutes before me only received a kick. I feel like my ban time of 2 days is a bit much and it should be lowered to 12 hours or be completely to match the punishment of the individual who was kicked for doing the same thing as myself.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): If you would like I can send a picture of my cat.