01-01-2023, 09:53 PM
Your Name: Slithering Snake Creature
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:55667004
Reason for ban: I believe it was for an RDM case
Length of ban: Perma Ban
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Its been well over a year and a half, frankly I was supposed to be banned for only afew hours or a day when the rdm incident happen but in my rage and bitterness and admittidly petulantness, I had requested a Perma ban.
Why should you be unbanned?: I've changed, I'm no longer who I was before over a year and a half ago, Truth was I was a total idiotic and I request that I be unbanned.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I really have to stress, me being unknowing about the details of why I was banned isn't because of lack of reflection but because It really has been over a year and a half, I do know I had requested a perma in my rage.
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:55667004
Reason for ban: I believe it was for an RDM case
Length of ban: Perma Ban
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Its been well over a year and a half, frankly I was supposed to be banned for only afew hours or a day when the rdm incident happen but in my rage and bitterness and admittidly petulantness, I had requested a Perma ban.
Why should you be unbanned?: I've changed, I'm no longer who I was before over a year and a half ago, Truth was I was a total idiotic and I request that I be unbanned.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I really have to stress, me being unknowing about the details of why I was banned isn't because of lack of reflection but because It really has been over a year and a half, I do know I had requested a perma in my rage.