02-19-2023, 07:28 PM
Your Name: Rick Beefcake
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:30249390
Your Discord ID#:IronicRock007#4758
Reason for ban: LTARP POX3
Length of ban: 3 DAYS
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): My WI-FI went nuts that night when these cops arrested me I have a
clip of me right before they arrested me I killed these two guys for trying to kill/rob me and then I see the cops in the background of my view and I kill those two guys for trying to do something towards me as you can see 2 guys press me with a gun. Right after I kill those men I go to the atm and depo my coco so the cops won't take it. I ended my clip there because I wasn't sure if those were going to make a report or what for something. after this, the cops take me to the alleyway My Game goes nuts and on the top it has the red reconnect thing it is like that for a kid for 50 to 30 seconds and I disconnect and restart my wifi. I say like 5 minutes I reconnect and join my character to see if the cops are there and they're not so I just go on my other character and chill for a minute and then I got banned. BTW the guy you can hear in my discord is my buddy Jamal he was editing a video for just cause 2 and he doesn't play the server
Why should you be unbanned? I like to play a lot I also like to think I'm a big part of the community I take the server seriously and love to play game this game again
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...MTkyMDQ2LA
I'm Frozen for a couple of seconds in the video when the guys pull up because I was lagging a bit
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:30249390
Your Discord ID#:IronicRock007#4758
Reason for ban: LTARP POX3
Length of ban: 3 DAYS
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): My WI-FI went nuts that night when these cops arrested me I have a
clip of me right before they arrested me I killed these two guys for trying to kill/rob me and then I see the cops in the background of my view and I kill those two guys for trying to do something towards me as you can see 2 guys press me with a gun. Right after I kill those men I go to the atm and depo my coco so the cops won't take it. I ended my clip there because I wasn't sure if those were going to make a report or what for something. after this, the cops take me to the alleyway My Game goes nuts and on the top it has the red reconnect thing it is like that for a kid for 50 to 30 seconds and I disconnect and restart my wifi. I say like 5 minutes I reconnect and join my character to see if the cops are there and they're not so I just go on my other character and chill for a minute and then I got banned. BTW the guy you can hear in my discord is my buddy Jamal he was editing a video for just cause 2 and he doesn't play the server
Why should you be unbanned? I like to play a lot I also like to think I'm a big part of the community I take the server seriously and love to play game this game again
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...MTkyMDQ2LA
I'm Frozen for a couple of seconds in the video when the guys pull up because I was lagging a bit