03-04-2023, 11:23 PM
Name of Character: Salvatore Bonucci
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:419567444
Your Discord ID#: Eopsin#6166
Date of PK: 3/4/23
Reason for PK: Initiating a gunfight with police
Why should you be unPK'd?:
To open, yes, I fucked up- I did 'initiate a gunfight with police'. This situation, however, goes much deeper than that.
The police I initiated a gunfight with was a long-time friend, mEEm, where I shot at him to fuck with him after he tried to tase me and chased me around with a baton for walking around in the parking lot of the PD. I was then later pulled to a sit with Hue and mEEm, where he said I would be PKed for initiating a gunfight with the Police. I was shocked, and began talking about why it shouldn't be a PK- I joked with mEEm that I would make him a beautiful apology art piece for my transgressions, and told Hue I was sorry (I shouldn't have fucked around like that.). mEEm jokingly said he would think about it, at which point Hue said it had already been done.
mEEm should be able to confirm that this was just fucking around, and was not a gunfight that just sprung up and needed to result in a PK.
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: N/A see above
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:419567444
Your Discord ID#: Eopsin#6166
Date of PK: 3/4/23
Reason for PK: Initiating a gunfight with police
Why should you be unPK'd?:
To open, yes, I fucked up- I did 'initiate a gunfight with police'. This situation, however, goes much deeper than that.
The police I initiated a gunfight with was a long-time friend, mEEm, where I shot at him to fuck with him after he tried to tase me and chased me around with a baton for walking around in the parking lot of the PD. I was then later pulled to a sit with Hue and mEEm, where he said I would be PKed for initiating a gunfight with the Police. I was shocked, and began talking about why it shouldn't be a PK- I joked with mEEm that I would make him a beautiful apology art piece for my transgressions, and told Hue I was sorry (I shouldn't have fucked around like that.). mEEm jokingly said he would think about it, at which point Hue said it had already been done.
mEEm should be able to confirm that this was just fucking around, and was not a gunfight that just sprung up and needed to result in a PK.
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: N/A see above