03-12-2023, 10:53 PM
Your Name: Prime
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:65745569
Your Discord ID#: Prime#0555
Reason for ban: Item Transfer // Character Abuse
Length of ban: 12 hours
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute
Why should you be unbanned? It all started when someone came to the front of our store and said let me in I have a gift for you. Pursuing this I let them inside the back of the store and they dropped me some bricks of cocaine and a gun. I said thank you and I went to the bank and put everything inside my item bank. I continued with my day and went to sleep. When getting on my computer later that day I received a message from Rem saying I have been involved in character abuse and was getting removed from staff, banned & PK'd. At this point, I was confused about what happened so I asked around and discovered that I was banned because someone tried to Item transfer. ( Look at screenshots below ) They had PK'd and banned me for the 'Principle' of the whole situation when I had nothing to do with it. When getting banned and PK'd it shows that they thought that I was talking to someone within discord. I was not, they thought I asked them to do this, which I did not. They are fully punishing me for something that I was not aware of until later. As you can see from the screenshots they removed me and PKd me because I didn't inform him quickly enough so they dealt with it. They have punished me completely for not knowing that it was character abuse when I didn't abuse it whatsoever. The person who did it NEVER received anything on another character and I had no intention to do that. As I stated as much as I know is that I was given cocaine and a gun that was it nothing more to it.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:65745569
Your Discord ID#: Prime#0555
Reason for ban: Item Transfer // Character Abuse
Length of ban: 12 hours
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute
Why should you be unbanned? It all started when someone came to the front of our store and said let me in I have a gift for you. Pursuing this I let them inside the back of the store and they dropped me some bricks of cocaine and a gun. I said thank you and I went to the bank and put everything inside my item bank. I continued with my day and went to sleep. When getting on my computer later that day I received a message from Rem saying I have been involved in character abuse and was getting removed from staff, banned & PK'd. At this point, I was confused about what happened so I asked around and discovered that I was banned because someone tried to Item transfer. ( Look at screenshots below ) They had PK'd and banned me for the 'Principle' of the whole situation when I had nothing to do with it. When getting banned and PK'd it shows that they thought that I was talking to someone within discord. I was not, they thought I asked them to do this, which I did not. They are fully punishing me for something that I was not aware of until later. As you can see from the screenshots they removed me and PKd me because I didn't inform him quickly enough so they dealt with it. They have punished me completely for not knowing that it was character abuse when I didn't abuse it whatsoever. The person who did it NEVER received anything on another character and I had no intention to do that. As I stated as much as I know is that I was given cocaine and a gun that was it nothing more to it.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):