04-10-2023, 03:53 AM
Your Name: Michael Sabini
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:551223518
Staff Member involved: Z O O M E R
What flags were blacklisted from you?: Pet flags - I believe that's what the tool gun and the gravity gun is.
Reason for the blacklist (if given): I was messing around with my props
Why should they be returned?: I didn't mean any harm. I was just messing around with a chair flying people up in the sky to see the whole city. There weren't many people on so I thought it would be fine. I got a note about that. A couple of days later I was on a different char when my car wasn't moving when I got back to PD so I took out a chair to try to move it when it went ballistic and flew onto a roof. If I get my flags back ill use them responsibly and won't do any of that stuff. Thank you for reading my thread. Have a good one.
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:551223518
Staff Member involved: Z O O M E R
What flags were blacklisted from you?: Pet flags - I believe that's what the tool gun and the gravity gun is.
Reason for the blacklist (if given): I was messing around with my props
Why should they be returned?: I didn't mean any harm. I was just messing around with a chair flying people up in the sky to see the whole city. There weren't many people on so I thought it would be fine. I got a note about that. A couple of days later I was on a different char when my car wasn't moving when I got back to PD so I took out a chair to try to move it when it went ballistic and flew onto a roof. If I get my flags back ill use them responsibly and won't do any of that stuff. Thank you for reading my thread. Have a good one.