07-29-2023, 05:11 PM
Your Name: miff
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561199092081907
Your Discord ID#: miff#7345
Reason for ban: NITRP
Length of ban: 1 week
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute
Why should you be unbanned? I should be un banned because I was not NITRP matter of fact I was in a ROLEPLAY SCENARIO at the time I was banned because I was being arrested by the cops for a rp reason. Not only this but I have multiple characters made for roleplay such as people in a faction and a officer character and the character I was banned on was made to break the law and have fun. The only reason the admin banned me for "NITRP" because I was in a car chase??? It dosen't make sense for me to get banned for doing things that are allowed in game and CREATES ROLEPLAY for officers and other players in the game. I guarantee if you were to ask any cop if I had no intent to NITRP they would say no. Plus there was not even a TICKET made against me.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561199092081907
Your Discord ID#: miff#7345
Reason for ban: NITRP
Length of ban: 1 week
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute
Why should you be unbanned? I should be un banned because I was not NITRP matter of fact I was in a ROLEPLAY SCENARIO at the time I was banned because I was being arrested by the cops for a rp reason. Not only this but I have multiple characters made for roleplay such as people in a faction and a officer character and the character I was banned on was made to break the law and have fun. The only reason the admin banned me for "NITRP" because I was in a car chase??? It dosen't make sense for me to get banned for doing things that are allowed in game and CREATES ROLEPLAY for officers and other players in the game. I guarantee if you were to ask any cop if I had no intent to NITRP they would say no. Plus there was not even a TICKET made against me.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):