10-19-2023, 02:04 AM
Your Character or Steam Name: Rufus "Racecar" Palindrome
Your SteamID STEAM_0:0:641257415
Your Discord ID#: jimbo_is_toxic
Reason for ban: LTARP
Length of ban: 1 day
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I don't remember doing anything, before I got off I was running around the map for atleast 15min. Got banned almost right after I disconnected.
Why should you be unbanned? I think the ban is false
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID STEAM_0:0:641257415
Your Discord ID#: jimbo_is_toxic
Reason for ban: LTARP
Length of ban: 1 day
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I don't remember doing anything, before I got off I was running around the map for atleast 15min. Got banned almost right after I disconnected.
Why should you be unbanned? I think the ban is false
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):