10-21-2023, 02:51 AM
Your Character or Steam Name: Kanzler "Berserker" Ragnar | Cadet Bjorn Ragnar | _PandaGlitz13_
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): Steam ID: 76561198176803779
Your Discord ID#: mf.forseti
Reason for ban: Unapproved Discord
Length of ban: Permanent
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I was banned for being in a discord, I didn't use the discord nor was I talking in it until the owner said everyone in the discord is getting banned.
Why should you be unbanned? The owner of the discord made the discord so they may plan things with their group. I wasn't even aware you can get perm banned for such thing. I think it was extremely unprofessional of how it was handled. The owner had joined the discord said @everyone your all getting banned and then just leaves the discord. I was very confused and worried about the situation. I think the owner or an admin could have joined and asked for them to make it an "official approved discord" instead of just banning everyone permanently which is very over-dramatic and uncalled for. I was really liking this server and was even thinking of applying for staff. But if this is how UA reacts, then I will never apply for staff. It isn't my fault I was in a discord and didn't know it was approved or not. A bunch of people where in that server and not everyone got banned. I think it is not fair for only some to be banned and not everyone if your saying everyone should be banned. If I was to be unbanned I'll make sure every discord I join for the rest of my life will be an official approved diverge discord.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): Steam ID: 76561198176803779
Your Discord ID#: mf.forseti
Reason for ban: Unapproved Discord
Length of ban: Permanent
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I was banned for being in a discord, I didn't use the discord nor was I talking in it until the owner said everyone in the discord is getting banned.
Why should you be unbanned? The owner of the discord made the discord so they may plan things with their group. I wasn't even aware you can get perm banned for such thing. I think it was extremely unprofessional of how it was handled. The owner had joined the discord said @everyone your all getting banned and then just leaves the discord. I was very confused and worried about the situation. I think the owner or an admin could have joined and asked for them to make it an "official approved discord" instead of just banning everyone permanently which is very over-dramatic and uncalled for. I was really liking this server and was even thinking of applying for staff. But if this is how UA reacts, then I will never apply for staff. It isn't my fault I was in a discord and didn't know it was approved or not. A bunch of people where in that server and not everyone got banned. I think it is not fair for only some to be banned and not everyone if your saying everyone should be banned. If I was to be unbanned I'll make sure every discord I join for the rest of my life will be an official approved diverge discord.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):