03-19-2021, 11:09 AM
Name of Character: tony debonis
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:566613457
Date of PK:15 march i think
Reason for PK: i snitched on someone that was robbing poor dude and he lost his job and grant enterprise selling oil
Why should you be unPK'd?: i believe i should be unpk because it feels very unfair as i made a request for admin sit coz my mate was banned for doxxing and i believed what he did was not doxxing. i was waiting to clear things with admin he took my sit and i was killed before he came to me . i was off gaurd in a ooc possition waiting for admin to fly me to a roof to talk important and personal matter and was killed so if you guys could understand in my shoes how youd feel and how unfair that is waiting for sit and being killed made me very angry.
thank you for viewing my pk apeal
tony debonis
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: dont think i have evidence but admin was josh and he was who i was trynna talk to
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:566613457
Date of PK:15 march i think
Reason for PK: i snitched on someone that was robbing poor dude and he lost his job and grant enterprise selling oil
Why should you be unPK'd?: i believe i should be unpk because it feels very unfair as i made a request for admin sit coz my mate was banned for doxxing and i believed what he did was not doxxing. i was waiting to clear things with admin he took my sit and i was killed before he came to me . i was off gaurd in a ooc possition waiting for admin to fly me to a roof to talk important and personal matter and was killed so if you guys could understand in my shoes how youd feel and how unfair that is waiting for sit and being killed made me very angry.
thank you for viewing my pk apeal
tony debonis
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: dont think i have evidence but admin was josh and he was who i was trynna talk to