03-27-2021, 07:07 PM
Your Name: Auntie Coconut
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:563943574
Reason for ban: "Mass VDM/Minge/NITRP/Punch Minge"
Length of ban: Permanent
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):
It was my third day ever playing on this server before and I was getting used to the swing of things. I understand this stuff is normally not allowed and is totally stupid but it was late at night and there was like 12 people online and I was stupidly running people over with my car. I understand my stupid mistake and I recognize my mingey ways. I noticed oftentimes late at night when not a lot of people are on that people like to get up to some goofy shenanigans, and I wanted to join in.
Why should you be unbanned?
I think I should be unbanned because I'm super new to the server and was just figuring things out, like what's ok and what's not. For example, I kept getting shot or like ran over myself so I went with it. It was just that time of night. Like one Australian guy shot me because I tried to talk to him in an Australian accent like not in a mocking or mean way but like a loving "let's have some fun" sort of way and then he shot me and I found it hilarious. You know what I mean? Then I found him again and sang "Down Under" by Men at Work because I'm obsessed with that song and he like talked in a goofy American accent and it was like all fun and games. You know what I mean? It was just that mingey time of time and I wasn't really doing anything different than anyone else at the end of the day. What triggered the PERMANENT ban was me running over the guy who ended up banning me. Which like, I get it, super annoying on my end. But like, permanently? For a one time kinda thing? I don't know, it's totally up to you guys but I wanted to tell my side of the story. I personally don't think I deserve a permanent ban but it's not up to me, I just wanted to rest my case. I definitely think it was like a "I'm a mod/admin (I don't know the difference) you need to respect me" kind of thing. Like a butt hurt, I'm permanently banning you for not respecting my authoritah kinda thing. Even though I didn't know it was a mod/admin, he had a goofy chick character that I thought was a minge. So I just wanted you guys to take a second look at my case because I personally feel that an instant permanent ban from getting ran over is a bit rash and impulsive. Like, if I ran over some other person, it would be like totally fine. It would be like a warning or something in that case. Like, even if I don't get my ban appeal which would be totally fine (just worth a shot), like mods and admins are no better than anyone else. We're all human, no one's above getting ran over here and there. Also his character like looked like a prostitute or something. Anyways I don't want to make up excuses for my actions. Thank you so much for taking the time and listening.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:563943574
Reason for ban: "Mass VDM/Minge/NITRP/Punch Minge"
Length of ban: Permanent
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):
It was my third day ever playing on this server before and I was getting used to the swing of things. I understand this stuff is normally not allowed and is totally stupid but it was late at night and there was like 12 people online and I was stupidly running people over with my car. I understand my stupid mistake and I recognize my mingey ways. I noticed oftentimes late at night when not a lot of people are on that people like to get up to some goofy shenanigans, and I wanted to join in.
Why should you be unbanned?
I think I should be unbanned because I'm super new to the server and was just figuring things out, like what's ok and what's not. For example, I kept getting shot or like ran over myself so I went with it. It was just that time of night. Like one Australian guy shot me because I tried to talk to him in an Australian accent like not in a mocking or mean way but like a loving "let's have some fun" sort of way and then he shot me and I found it hilarious. You know what I mean? Then I found him again and sang "Down Under" by Men at Work because I'm obsessed with that song and he like talked in a goofy American accent and it was like all fun and games. You know what I mean? It was just that mingey time of time and I wasn't really doing anything different than anyone else at the end of the day. What triggered the PERMANENT ban was me running over the guy who ended up banning me. Which like, I get it, super annoying on my end. But like, permanently? For a one time kinda thing? I don't know, it's totally up to you guys but I wanted to tell my side of the story. I personally don't think I deserve a permanent ban but it's not up to me, I just wanted to rest my case. I definitely think it was like a "I'm a mod/admin (I don't know the difference) you need to respect me" kind of thing. Like a butt hurt, I'm permanently banning you for not respecting my authoritah kinda thing. Even though I didn't know it was a mod/admin, he had a goofy chick character that I thought was a minge. So I just wanted you guys to take a second look at my case because I personally feel that an instant permanent ban from getting ran over is a bit rash and impulsive. Like, if I ran over some other person, it would be like totally fine. It would be like a warning or something in that case. Like, even if I don't get my ban appeal which would be totally fine (just worth a shot), like mods and admins are no better than anyone else. We're all human, no one's above getting ran over here and there. Also his character like looked like a prostitute or something. Anyways I don't want to make up excuses for my actions. Thank you so much for taking the time and listening.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):