Your Name:
Your SteamID [b]STEAM_0:1:572811090[/b]
Reason for ban: RDM Ltap
Length of ban: 2 Days time left 8 hours
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):Somebody came into the hardware store said that I was under fear RP they took out their gun and then put it away so I took out my gun and I shot . When I shot my game glitched and it kept glitching for 2 minutes straight so I self disconnected because it wasn't going to resolve itself or disconnect. I believe I should be unbanned because of the circumstances
Why should you be unbanned? I had to disconnect because it wouldn't load after shooting off my gun . I saw the time and just decided to call it a day
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID [b]STEAM_0:1:572811090[/b]
Reason for ban: RDM Ltap
Length of ban: 2 Days time left 8 hours
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):Somebody came into the hardware store said that I was under fear RP they took out their gun and then put it away so I took out my gun and I shot . When I shot my game glitched and it kept glitching for 2 minutes straight so I self disconnected because it wasn't going to resolve itself or disconnect. I believe I should be unbanned because of the circumstances
Why should you be unbanned? I had to disconnect because it wouldn't load after shooting off my gun . I saw the time and just decided to call it a day
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):