Your Name: James Smith
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:149701997
Reason for ban: Minge, NITRP, NLRx5, ARDM
Length of ban: 1 week
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): This is not an apology, ban appeals are not the place for apologies. I did none of what I got banned for.
Why should you be unbanned?
I haven't done anything wrong, unless you have proof (which I doubt you have). I'm new to mafia RP and do not understand how it works yet? Guess I'm a minge. Play a rebellious, humorous or out of the norm character? Guess I'm a minge. Actually try to provoke and harass people? Guess I'm a minge. There is no distinction here, if you behave out of the norm or act slightly like something that would ressemble (in another context) a minge, you will be frequently denied roleplay, verbally abused and inevitably banned if you run into an admin. Admins rarely, if ever do proper sits. If someone accuses you of breaking a rule, the admin is not going to listen to you and you will get banned, regardless of whether you are in the right or wrong. P2L, or play to lose, is bullshit and a tool for other players with bigger playtime (and their very good friends AKA the staff team) to powergame. The only real "fighting" you will be doing is arguing in OOC chat or arguing with the staff, that is if you have time to argue before he bans you. Pvp in gmod has its problems, I will agree, but atleast it keeps a fight fair. But lets say you do play in the norm- Meet Dave. Dave is the generic dark street italian mafia guy, he's mostly afk on the corner of the road, obeys the staff, does """""workshifts""""", puts GREAT detail into his roleplay character (really? italian mafia guy in mafia RP, good job dude) and rats out any people like me who are slightly not like they want them to be to admins. For weeks worth of play he does this, he applies on the forum and he is now a staff member. How much fun did he have on the way? Not a whole lot, I reckon. This is all true on every mafiarp server. Forget about darkrp or other gamemodes, nobody even roleplays anymore. Anyhoo, all of that to say that my ban is BS. For the reasons which I got banned for, they are all completly false. First of all the "minge", whatever this is supposed to mean in a place where you are supposed to name specifically what I have done wrong, doesn't mean anything here either. Anything can be perceived as minge if you have enough hatred to fuel your will to get rid of someone you don't like, a very frequent behavior amongst the staff of this server. Speaking of that, let's jump straight to the NLR x5 reason, which is also completly false. Why does it even have x5 after, I don't recall that (and you're going to have to prove it if you think I'm wrong). That just sounds like the staff had a personal vedetta against me, which probably explains why he had to exagerate the reason. To be honest I don't even mind that, as a moderator on a modification of a game from 2004 you probably have nothing better to do, which I don't give a fuck. The problem is the core reason you decided to add: "NLR". Like where the fuck did you get that? You won't care about it (obviously because you decided to ban me), but there was context behind my action, you know, roleplay context, another thing you don't give a fuck about. I would explain but the head of the staff who banned me is probably too far up his ass so it doesn't matter. Now that we know that the "NLR" reason is unjustified, it's even weirder from him to add a x5 after that. Now that I think about it, it's really fucked up to know that you can get banned over an exagerated reason created out of thin air by some staff who has personal problems with you that you're not even aware of. Next there's the "NITRP" and just like the "minge", it doesn't mean anything. That's just some fancy acronym you throw in to replace the empirical evidence that you don't have. Finally there's the "ARDM", again, whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean. No like seriously, the term "ARDM" literally doesn't mean anything. I genuinely don't know if the staff had a stroke while writing the ban reason and added a random A in the middle of all the BS. It couldn't be RDM since I know I didn't kill anyone. How could I? Everyone is armed to the teeth, it's literally impossible to kill someone by punching him. Not to mention the fucking 14 years of waiting when pressing R, just to raise your hands and the 20 minutes cooldown between each punch (can you even kill someone with your fists at this point? I'm genuinely curious). Anyhoo, back to the reasons. I'm going to do the admin's job and guess the A stands for "attempted", an hypothesis in which I really can't believe, why? Because in that case you want to write "Att. RDM", not just an A. I really can't believe I have to demonstrate the admin's incompetency to prove I'm right in my ban appeal for a false ban. For that, I know that I've never hit someone else, unless they hit me first and guess what? I did punch someone and it was in self defense (that means I retaliated, for the slow ones out there, thinking about you the admin that banned me ). Unless you have proof of otherwise, which of course I doubt because I remember it clearly. You would have to fabricate proof by cleverly editing a video to prove me wrong, like removing the part where the person hits me first and only keep the part where I throw the punch, in that case you'd be absolutly disgusting. And voila, I basically deconstructed every reasons for which you banned me for. You might think to yourself that it's really dumb to appeal a one week ban, well first of all would you like me to remove your ability to play the game you're currently main'ing for an entire week? But much more than that, I request a punishment for the staff that has been abusing his powers.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:149701997
Reason for ban: Minge, NITRP, NLRx5, ARDM
Length of ban: 1 week
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): This is not an apology, ban appeals are not the place for apologies. I did none of what I got banned for.
Why should you be unbanned?
I haven't done anything wrong, unless you have proof (which I doubt you have). I'm new to mafia RP and do not understand how it works yet? Guess I'm a minge. Play a rebellious, humorous or out of the norm character? Guess I'm a minge. Actually try to provoke and harass people? Guess I'm a minge. There is no distinction here, if you behave out of the norm or act slightly like something that would ressemble (in another context) a minge, you will be frequently denied roleplay, verbally abused and inevitably banned if you run into an admin. Admins rarely, if ever do proper sits. If someone accuses you of breaking a rule, the admin is not going to listen to you and you will get banned, regardless of whether you are in the right or wrong. P2L, or play to lose, is bullshit and a tool for other players with bigger playtime (and their very good friends AKA the staff team) to powergame. The only real "fighting" you will be doing is arguing in OOC chat or arguing with the staff, that is if you have time to argue before he bans you. Pvp in gmod has its problems, I will agree, but atleast it keeps a fight fair. But lets say you do play in the norm- Meet Dave. Dave is the generic dark street italian mafia guy, he's mostly afk on the corner of the road, obeys the staff, does """""workshifts""""", puts GREAT detail into his roleplay character (really? italian mafia guy in mafia RP, good job dude) and rats out any people like me who are slightly not like they want them to be to admins. For weeks worth of play he does this, he applies on the forum and he is now a staff member. How much fun did he have on the way? Not a whole lot, I reckon. This is all true on every mafiarp server. Forget about darkrp or other gamemodes, nobody even roleplays anymore. Anyhoo, all of that to say that my ban is BS. For the reasons which I got banned for, they are all completly false. First of all the "minge", whatever this is supposed to mean in a place where you are supposed to name specifically what I have done wrong, doesn't mean anything here either. Anything can be perceived as minge if you have enough hatred to fuel your will to get rid of someone you don't like, a very frequent behavior amongst the staff of this server. Speaking of that, let's jump straight to the NLR x5 reason, which is also completly false. Why does it even have x5 after, I don't recall that (and you're going to have to prove it if you think I'm wrong). That just sounds like the staff had a personal vedetta against me, which probably explains why he had to exagerate the reason. To be honest I don't even mind that, as a moderator on a modification of a game from 2004 you probably have nothing better to do, which I don't give a fuck. The problem is the core reason you decided to add: "NLR". Like where the fuck did you get that? You won't care about it (obviously because you decided to ban me), but there was context behind my action, you know, roleplay context, another thing you don't give a fuck about. I would explain but the head of the staff who banned me is probably too far up his ass so it doesn't matter. Now that we know that the "NLR" reason is unjustified, it's even weirder from him to add a x5 after that. Now that I think about it, it's really fucked up to know that you can get banned over an exagerated reason created out of thin air by some staff who has personal problems with you that you're not even aware of. Next there's the "NITRP" and just like the "minge", it doesn't mean anything. That's just some fancy acronym you throw in to replace the empirical evidence that you don't have. Finally there's the "ARDM", again, whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean. No like seriously, the term "ARDM" literally doesn't mean anything. I genuinely don't know if the staff had a stroke while writing the ban reason and added a random A in the middle of all the BS. It couldn't be RDM since I know I didn't kill anyone. How could I? Everyone is armed to the teeth, it's literally impossible to kill someone by punching him. Not to mention the fucking 14 years of waiting when pressing R, just to raise your hands and the 20 minutes cooldown between each punch (can you even kill someone with your fists at this point? I'm genuinely curious). Anyhoo, back to the reasons. I'm going to do the admin's job and guess the A stands for "attempted", an hypothesis in which I really can't believe, why? Because in that case you want to write "Att. RDM", not just an A. I really can't believe I have to demonstrate the admin's incompetency to prove I'm right in my ban appeal for a false ban. For that, I know that I've never hit someone else, unless they hit me first and guess what? I did punch someone and it was in self defense (that means I retaliated, for the slow ones out there, thinking about you the admin that banned me ). Unless you have proof of otherwise, which of course I doubt because I remember it clearly. You would have to fabricate proof by cleverly editing a video to prove me wrong, like removing the part where the person hits me first and only keep the part where I throw the punch, in that case you'd be absolutly disgusting. And voila, I basically deconstructed every reasons for which you banned me for. You might think to yourself that it's really dumb to appeal a one week ban, well first of all would you like me to remove your ability to play the game you're currently main'ing for an entire week? But much more than that, I request a punishment for the staff that has been abusing his powers.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):