Posted on behalf of Dutch
Your Name: Dutch
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:1:53605607
Reason for ban: Advertising another server | Try not to spam Nigger , thanks, using an alt accounts
Length of ban: Permanent
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology
Why should you be unbanned?I want to start off with saying i'm very sorry for spamming the N word, and advertising another server. I would like to be unbanned and have a chance to play on the server with my friends and bring some experience to the server. I will genuinely do anything to be forgiven, thank you.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A
I posted it for him and I'd like to put my 2 cents in. Dutch is a very good rper and gets carried away doing dumb shit sometimes and I think he'd be able to benefit the server if he's unbanned.
Your Name: Dutch
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:1:53605607
Reason for ban: Advertising another server | Try not to spam Nigger , thanks, using an alt accounts
Length of ban: Permanent
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology
Why should you be unbanned?I want to start off with saying i'm very sorry for spamming the N word, and advertising another server. I would like to be unbanned and have a chance to play on the server with my friends and bring some experience to the server. I will genuinely do anything to be forgiven, thank you.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A
I posted it for him and I'd like to put my 2 cents in. Dutch is a very good rper and gets carried away doing dumb shit sometimes and I think he'd be able to benefit the server if he's unbanned.