03-27-2022, 05:38 AM
Your Name: Austin
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:419383407
Staff Member involved: Vex
What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET
Reason for blacklist (if given): Prop Flinging a car into civs that were punch minging me
Why should they be returned?: The reason I believe my flags should be given back is because I am very active on the server and I have multiple properties that I have dupes for that need to be placed down for RP to continue on both servers New York and Miami and it is a vital part of mine and all of my friends RP experience. I am very sorry for what I did it was totally uncalled for and against the server rules and I am sincerely sorry for my actions and I can promise this will not happen again. It is a big eye opener on how easy it is to just take the easy way out and break the rules when I could have just made a ticket and asked for help from staff.
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:419383407
Staff Member involved: Vex
What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET
Reason for blacklist (if given): Prop Flinging a car into civs that were punch minging me
Why should they be returned?: The reason I believe my flags should be given back is because I am very active on the server and I have multiple properties that I have dupes for that need to be placed down for RP to continue on both servers New York and Miami and it is a vital part of mine and all of my friends RP experience. I am very sorry for what I did it was totally uncalled for and against the server rules and I am sincerely sorry for my actions and I can promise this will not happen again. It is a big eye opener on how easy it is to just take the easy way out and break the rules when I could have just made a ticket and asked for help from staff.