05-24-2022, 05:41 AM
name: mug maniac/ aspookysloth
steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198812385557/
reason for ban: quote: "NITRP .minge"
length: 3 hours
reason for appeal: no warning given.
i was banned without any warning while attempting to mug people. the mafia robs people, its within rp to mug people. i also dont know what exactly i did wrong because all the guy wrote was "minge" and banned me out of the blue. i think i should be unbanned. if you want me to stop doing something, tell me and i will.
steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198812385557/
reason for ban: quote: "NITRP .minge"
length: 3 hours
reason for appeal: no warning given.
i was banned without any warning while attempting to mug people. the mafia robs people, its within rp to mug people. i also dont know what exactly i did wrong because all the guy wrote was "minge" and banned me out of the blue. i think i should be unbanned. if you want me to stop doing something, tell me and i will.