(07-09-2022, 11:49 AM)Seymour05 Wrote: +1 It would be nice to see greek mob back, but its kinda funny to see Albanians , Serbs and greek in the same family.
Honestly, I wasn't really paying attention when I added those flags they were just added for some flavor in the application. I just grabbed some icons of countries that were involved in international smuggling. However, to add a little context the faction is also meant to be an economically driven group hence why an Albanian and Greek might set aside petty grievances in order to take part in drug trafficking. Nowadays you see the real-life Albanian Mafia working globally to monopolize the Cocaine smuggling industry in Europe and often this means doing business and working alongside people who you would expect them to hate. Once you reach a certain level of sophistication you care little about national identity as long as it brings you the holy dollar.
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