08-27-2022, 01:14 PM
Your Name: Klaus Yvngin
Your SteamID (ClSTEAM_0:0:180938095STEAM_0:0:1809380ick toSTEAM_0:0:180938095 retrieve):
Reason for ban: NiTRP
Length of ban: perma
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): it was my first offense i dont even have any warns all i did was rdm 2 people w my fist but im sorry for being a idiot i just wanna play w my friends on this awesome server
Why should you be unbanned? bc i belive the ban was innocorrect ive never been warned or banned before n it was just rdm x2 n i actully wanna rp on your server
Additional Information no videos
Your SteamID (ClSTEAM_0:0:180938095STEAM_0:0:1809380ick toSTEAM_0:0:180938095 retrieve):
Reason for ban: NiTRP
Length of ban: perma
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): it was my first offense i dont even have any warns all i did was rdm 2 people w my fist but im sorry for being a idiot i just wanna play w my friends on this awesome server
Why should you be unbanned? bc i belive the ban was innocorrect ive never been warned or banned before n it was just rdm x2 n i actully wanna rp on your server
Additional Information no videos