11-12-2022, 07:14 PM
Your Name: Spicy
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:419383407
Staff Member involved: do not recall
What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET
Reason for blacklist (if given): Abuse NITRP
Why should they be returned?: I feel like my flags should be returned because they have been taken for almost 5 months now I believe. I have most definitely matured since the time my flags were taken. there is not a justifiable reason for the rule I broke and I understand that, and I will understand if my flags are not given back. I am most certain I am ready to role-play and be an active member of the community again and use my PET flags to Further mine and others rp experience.
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:419383407
Staff Member involved: do not recall
What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET
Reason for blacklist (if given): Abuse NITRP
Why should they be returned?: I feel like my flags should be returned because they have been taken for almost 5 months now I believe. I have most definitely matured since the time my flags were taken. there is not a justifiable reason for the rule I broke and I understand that, and I will understand if my flags are not given back. I am most certain I am ready to role-play and be an active member of the community again and use my PET flags to Further mine and others rp experience.