11-25-2022, 04:47 AM
Your Name: Mr Ratt/Weiss. IC Name: Epstein Goldstein
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:244184884
Reason for ban: ERP
Length of ban: Permanetly
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): It's been a year since this happened. Did this a long time ago, and when I did it, I was retarded and said stupid shit in /looc. I believe I said "/me Slobs on the knob of the nigger cock.". I've changed a lot since then, and I believe I learned my lesson since then. I've been serious roleplaying for better half than a year now, and I think that I since now I've tried to actually roleplay on other servers, I learned my lesson and I should be unbanned. Even so, the perma-ban was excessive, it should've been at least 1 month since it was a poor taste joke. I believe now that I can actually roleplay seriously and professionally, I can bring my knowledge from other serious RP servers to this and finally accomplish my dream of being a lawyer on here.
Why should you be unbanned? To make it short, I believe I should be unbanned since a whole year has passed. I learned my lesson from then, and I swear that I won't make any more ERP jokes in LOOC. I hope that I can at least get a resolution to this, as I used to love playing on this server. I believe it was justified that I should've been banned as it was a fucking terrible and retarded joke, but I think it was over-extended to an extent where it was a little too much. Even if this doesn't get accepted, I hope you all have a great rest of your days.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc.):
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:244184884
Reason for ban: ERP
Length of ban: Permanetly
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): It's been a year since this happened. Did this a long time ago, and when I did it, I was retarded and said stupid shit in /looc. I believe I said "/me Slobs on the knob of the nigger cock.". I've changed a lot since then, and I believe I learned my lesson since then. I've been serious roleplaying for better half than a year now, and I think that I since now I've tried to actually roleplay on other servers, I learned my lesson and I should be unbanned. Even so, the perma-ban was excessive, it should've been at least 1 month since it was a poor taste joke. I believe now that I can actually roleplay seriously and professionally, I can bring my knowledge from other serious RP servers to this and finally accomplish my dream of being a lawyer on here.
Why should you be unbanned? To make it short, I believe I should be unbanned since a whole year has passed. I learned my lesson from then, and I swear that I won't make any more ERP jokes in LOOC. I hope that I can at least get a resolution to this, as I used to love playing on this server. I believe it was justified that I should've been banned as it was a fucking terrible and retarded joke, but I think it was over-extended to an extent where it was a little too much. Even if this doesn't get accepted, I hope you all have a great rest of your days.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc.):