11-30-2022, 08:48 PM
Your SteamID: Steam 0:1:0 707785052
Reason for ban: Failmug, LTAP
Length of ban: 3 days
Reason for appeal both a dispute and apology i guess?
Why should you be unbanned? To explain the situation, I mugged someone at the car dealership when no one was around and successfully made away with a pack of rifle ammo (yay ikr) and i was walking back to my car to flee the scene and then my power went out before i could make it to my car. I came back a few hours later once the stork calmed down and the power came back on and i was already banned for 3 days. Now the failmug im not sure of all the rules on that so i could've been in the wrong about that but i have ltaped before so i know what it means and i didnt ltap this time so i was hoping i could get unbanned or at least have my time shortened
Reason for ban: Failmug, LTAP
Length of ban: 3 days
Reason for appeal both a dispute and apology i guess?
Why should you be unbanned? To explain the situation, I mugged someone at the car dealership when no one was around and successfully made away with a pack of rifle ammo (yay ikr) and i was walking back to my car to flee the scene and then my power went out before i could make it to my car. I came back a few hours later once the stork calmed down and the power came back on and i was already banned for 3 days. Now the failmug im not sure of all the rules on that so i could've been in the wrong about that but i have ltaped before so i know what it means and i didnt ltap this time so i was hoping i could get unbanned or at least have my time shortened