02-03-2023, 04:33 AM
Your Name: Jay
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:443383322
Your Discord ID#: Jesus Spreader#8885 | 563528334063960064
Reason for ban: Prop Minge/ alt account?
Length of ban: Perm
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I first banned for "Prop Minge" when the video leading up was debatable and when that happened I called my cousin to hop on to get my processer then she gets banned for "Alt Account".
1. I dont have a Alt account
2. The supposed "Alt Account" is 12yrs older than my normal steam
3. Why would I alt on a 1hr ban
Why should you be unbanned?
I dont have a alt account and I have done many things to contribute to this community, trying to bring back EMS, supported over $150 to the server with a custom item and VIP, active in the republican political party as PR, almost 3 weeks of time spent in-game, and I am even in the process of creating a separate website just for drug dealing/ gun trading.
Information (images, videos, etc):
Normal Steam: https://imgur.com/a/UcwnosS
Cousin's Account/ Allegged ALT: https://imgur.com/a/XI9RovX
Clip of me getting banned (prop minge): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...czMDM4MDQs
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:443383322
Your Discord ID#: Jesus Spreader#8885 | 563528334063960064
Reason for ban: Prop Minge/ alt account?
Length of ban: Perm
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I first banned for "Prop Minge" when the video leading up was debatable and when that happened I called my cousin to hop on to get my processer then she gets banned for "Alt Account".
1. I dont have a Alt account
2. The supposed "Alt Account" is 12yrs older than my normal steam
3. Why would I alt on a 1hr ban
Why should you be unbanned?
I dont have a alt account and I have done many things to contribute to this community, trying to bring back EMS, supported over $150 to the server with a custom item and VIP, active in the republican political party as PR, almost 3 weeks of time spent in-game, and I am even in the process of creating a separate website just for drug dealing/ gun trading.
Information (images, videos, etc):
Normal Steam: https://imgur.com/a/UcwnosS
Cousin's Account/ Allegged ALT: https://imgur.com/a/XI9RovX
Clip of me getting banned (prop minge): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...czMDM4MDQs