02-08-2023, 05:35 PM
Name of Character: Haricho “Yoru” Nakaya
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:27926209
Your Discord ID#: ASkull#7967
Date of PK: 2/4/23
Reason for PK: don’s orders ( disrespect)
Why should you be unPK'd?: the reason why I should be on pked is because in the pk guidelines it states 5 times that you can not pk for disrespect. Also I never disrespected anyone and that action I did that was disrespectful was sneezing on someone. I did not sneeze on someone however I can see where the misunderstanding can seem like I did cause I walked up to Italians and did /me sneeze but I still never sneezed on anyone I was also typing that as I was working to my atm to put my gun in there as I had just been comped one. And during that interaction those guys rdm me for disrespecting them while on a sidewalk of a property they did not own. Also and when they thought I sneezed on them I was trying to be civil about it I even said “on mb” but as soon as I typed that they telling me to leave the area then it lead to my rdm. In normal server rules it also states 5 times that you can not kill for disrespect there are 10 times in total that states that you can not kill for disrespect. So Idk why I was even pked when the reason was for disrespect they also flat out told me it was because I was disrespectful to the Italians and it was one time and it wasn’t even disrespect cause I never sneezed on him however they also added to dons orders that I wasn’t following orders but the order that was given to me was “don’t be rude to Italians” and again I wasn’t rude to them IC. Therefore I never disobeyed that order and never disrespected any Italians. Also in the pk guidelines its even under family member kills saying that you cant pk for disrespect. It was pretty much a misunderstanding turned to a pk that wasn’t needed.
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: Reasons:
● A valid reason is required for all PK’s. A PK’s approval is entirely dependent on the reason given, if you give a weak reason such as “he disrespected me” then your PK will not be approved. disrespect is not a reason to kill someone. disrespect is not a reason to kill someone. disrespect is not a reason to kill someone. disrespect is not a reason to kill someone. That’s all 5 times in pk guidelines it states you cant kill for disrespect. https://ibb.co/N3YJtGw https://ibb.co/fddWGLg https://ibb.co/4d41mR2
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:27926209
Your Discord ID#: ASkull#7967
Date of PK: 2/4/23
Reason for PK: don’s orders ( disrespect)
Why should you be unPK'd?: the reason why I should be on pked is because in the pk guidelines it states 5 times that you can not pk for disrespect. Also I never disrespected anyone and that action I did that was disrespectful was sneezing on someone. I did not sneeze on someone however I can see where the misunderstanding can seem like I did cause I walked up to Italians and did /me sneeze but I still never sneezed on anyone I was also typing that as I was working to my atm to put my gun in there as I had just been comped one. And during that interaction those guys rdm me for disrespecting them while on a sidewalk of a property they did not own. Also and when they thought I sneezed on them I was trying to be civil about it I even said “on mb” but as soon as I typed that they telling me to leave the area then it lead to my rdm. In normal server rules it also states 5 times that you can not kill for disrespect there are 10 times in total that states that you can not kill for disrespect. So Idk why I was even pked when the reason was for disrespect they also flat out told me it was because I was disrespectful to the Italians and it was one time and it wasn’t even disrespect cause I never sneezed on him however they also added to dons orders that I wasn’t following orders but the order that was given to me was “don’t be rude to Italians” and again I wasn’t rude to them IC. Therefore I never disobeyed that order and never disrespected any Italians. Also in the pk guidelines its even under family member kills saying that you cant pk for disrespect. It was pretty much a misunderstanding turned to a pk that wasn’t needed.
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: Reasons:
● A valid reason is required for all PK’s. A PK’s approval is entirely dependent on the reason given, if you give a weak reason such as “he disrespected me” then your PK will not be approved. disrespect is not a reason to kill someone. disrespect is not a reason to kill someone. disrespect is not a reason to kill someone. disrespect is not a reason to kill someone. That’s all 5 times in pk guidelines it states you cant kill for disrespect. https://ibb.co/N3YJtGw https://ibb.co/fddWGLg https://ibb.co/4d41mR2