09-04-2023, 06:19 PM
Your Name: Johnny Bunzo
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:78672707
Your Discord ID#: whoopty2401
Reason for ban: LTAP, nitrp
Length of ban: 5 Days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I was banned for ltap but I had every intention of coming back and have been experiencing internet outages that have been causing my Garry’s mod to crash. I have Proof of me attempting to coming back but being banned before I could (pictures avaliable if requested). I also was not aware of my previous ban.
Why should you be unbanned?
I believe this officer has been harassing me at every chance and attempted a false arrest which lead to this situation as well. I tried to explain to him that my gun was not actually on my back and it was a glitch as the weapon was in my Inventory and shouldn’t of been showing. Regardless of this I was on private property just outside my establishment and should not have been targeted. However because he believed I had logged the day before, i think that he wanted to finally get that arrest and tried everything in his power to make sure he could do that. Regardless I am currently in the process of calling technicians over to fix my internet problem and this shouldn’t happen again. I hope you will see how this was a misunderstanding and allow me to be unbanned as this whole situation could have been avoided.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:78672707
Your Discord ID#: whoopty2401
Reason for ban: LTAP, nitrp
Length of ban: 5 Days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I was banned for ltap but I had every intention of coming back and have been experiencing internet outages that have been causing my Garry’s mod to crash. I have Proof of me attempting to coming back but being banned before I could (pictures avaliable if requested). I also was not aware of my previous ban.
Why should you be unbanned?
I believe this officer has been harassing me at every chance and attempted a false arrest which lead to this situation as well. I tried to explain to him that my gun was not actually on my back and it was a glitch as the weapon was in my Inventory and shouldn’t of been showing. Regardless of this I was on private property just outside my establishment and should not have been targeted. However because he believed I had logged the day before, i think that he wanted to finally get that arrest and tried everything in his power to make sure he could do that. Regardless I am currently in the process of calling technicians over to fix my internet problem and this shouldn’t happen again. I hope you will see how this was a misunderstanding and allow me to be unbanned as this whole situation could have been avoided.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):