10-09-2023, 03:35 AM
Your Character or Steam Name: Heart4ul
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:97015394
Your Discord ID#: Jethro6109
Reason for ban: Cheating/Alting
Length of ban: Permanent
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology
Why should you be unbanned? I have been banned for 3 months for using a stupid free cheat for fun/minge. I apologize for my behavior and realize the severity of it. Exploiting shouldn't be allowed on any server or used for personal use. I wish to play again and enjoy working on the Diverge server. I also apologize for my actions of trying to alt/ family share to join back into the server. My Character was pked and I am totally accepting and agreeing with it and wish to start new. Thank You.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:97015394
Your Discord ID#: Jethro6109
Reason for ban: Cheating/Alting
Length of ban: Permanent
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology
Why should you be unbanned? I have been banned for 3 months for using a stupid free cheat for fun/minge. I apologize for my behavior and realize the severity of it. Exploiting shouldn't be allowed on any server or used for personal use. I wish to play again and enjoy working on the Diverge server. I also apologize for my actions of trying to alt/ family share to join back into the server. My Character was pked and I am totally accepting and agreeing with it and wish to start new. Thank You.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):