05-14-2021, 01:56 PM
Name. Author lord
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198103569700/
Reason for ban: Meta gaming
Length of ban: Five Days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):I believe that the outcome of the sit that resulted in my Five Day ban was not justified and unfair due to the reason I kept stating to the admin to pls double check the logs of me and my friend to back up my defense but while checking the logs the admin did not find the call I placed.
Why should you be unbanned? I should be unbanned is due to the error within the logs or a human error that was caused during the check of the logs during the sit also adding I am not disrespecting any admins/mods but stating that all humans make mistakes. In the sit I stated that before the situation occurred with the other party that I was in a in game call with a friend of mine that I was planning to deal business with and I stated I felt I was going to be mugged since I had picked up a shipment before the mugging and had 2 individuals following me around and also stated to my friend on the phone if I don’t respond to him within 2mins he should show up and open fire on them even if he injuries me. Also, should state that the video that was presented during the sit by the other part showed that the other party was kidnapping while an NPC had a clear sight of the situation through the window of the store and the main entrance of it. I also believe that the other side did not get punished for kidnapping in public in front of an NPC due to the reason that I witness the admin let them off before he issued my ban
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
i do not have any images also videos to present for this appeal but i belive that the admin who took the sit was prosent a video from the other side the name of the admin is SPY
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198103569700/
Reason for ban: Meta gaming
Length of ban: Five Days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):I believe that the outcome of the sit that resulted in my Five Day ban was not justified and unfair due to the reason I kept stating to the admin to pls double check the logs of me and my friend to back up my defense but while checking the logs the admin did not find the call I placed.
Why should you be unbanned? I should be unbanned is due to the error within the logs or a human error that was caused during the check of the logs during the sit also adding I am not disrespecting any admins/mods but stating that all humans make mistakes. In the sit I stated that before the situation occurred with the other party that I was in a in game call with a friend of mine that I was planning to deal business with and I stated I felt I was going to be mugged since I had picked up a shipment before the mugging and had 2 individuals following me around and also stated to my friend on the phone if I don’t respond to him within 2mins he should show up and open fire on them even if he injuries me. Also, should state that the video that was presented during the sit by the other part showed that the other party was kidnapping while an NPC had a clear sight of the situation through the window of the store and the main entrance of it. I also believe that the other side did not get punished for kidnapping in public in front of an NPC due to the reason that I witness the admin let them off before he issued my ban
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
i do not have any images also videos to present for this appeal but i belive that the admin who took the sit was prosent a video from the other side the name of the admin is SPY