03-29-2021, 02:57 AM
Marijuana pots are one of the only ways civilians can make illegal income on their own. If they want to process or sell drugs, they need the help of faction members. Because of this, I think the profit margin should be raised significantly. Currently, you purchase a pot for $750, then water it with water jugs that cost $150 each to buy. You must water the plant twice before you you can harvest a baggie of weed. But, the baggie of weed only sells for $480. This means that after spending the extended amount of time to grow the drug, you only make $180 profit from it. I think the best way to change this is to change the water jug price for around maybe $80-100 each instead. This will allow a profit of $280-320 per bag, aligning with what one might make selling drugs for organizations. Also, you cannot currently pick up weed pots, so they just sit on the ground. That should be fixed too.