11-30-2021, 11:54 AM
In-Game Name(s):
Paul Iverson, Aleksei "Iron" Sokolev, Peter Kent Jones, Wyatt Schmidt
Steam Name:
Fish Man
Steam Profile Link:
Steam ID:
Discord Username:
Fish Man#9947
Total playtime on Server (Do !time in-game):
3w 8h 36m
Time Zone:
UTC+01:00 (Denmark)
How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?:
5-6 Hours per day. More in the weekends
Have you read the rules?:
Yes. I have
Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes. I do
Do you acknowledge that you must attend all staff meetings (Unless you have stated why you cannot beforehand):
Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?:
Yes, I’ve heard SAM is like ULX. Although I'll read any guide/receive training without issue
Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?:
Yes. I understand
Long Answers
What is your motivation/reason for applying?:
I love talking to people on this server. And I love helping people with their problems. My previous staffing on other servers/games have been the absolute most fun I've ever had. The experience of helping other people with their issues/reports is unexplainably good
I am also in the European time zone where there is a severe lack of staff. No staff for 40 people isn't acceptable. There should at least be one active staff in every single time zone. This past week. There haven't been any staff on during early European times. except the Australian staff.
I hate seeing the staff overwhelmed with tickets during this time. And the 1 hour response times for tickets during peak hours isn't acceptable either. I want to assist in stopping this. As my roleplay has been ruined by minges and RDM'ers countless times where staff never came to my tickets.
My main motivation is mentioned above. The lack of staff taking tickets. But this is by no means meant to insult the staff team. I absolutely love everyone on the staff team.
Additionally. This server has also helped me and I've had so much fun on it. I want to give back to the server.
Why should you be considered over other candidates?:
I believe everyone should get a fair and equal chance, But:
I'm always understanding, kind and unbiased. I'm known for being understanding and actually listening.
I'm on the server every day of the week. as long as I possibly can, Which is usually 6 to 8 hours.
I am also in the European timezone. Which has a severe lack of staff.
I am going to be active. It's a shame that no one takes tickets even though there are 8+ staff on. I will prioritize staff work/taking tickets over roleplay.
I have had RP experience in pretty much every category including but not limited to: Legal, Crime, Civilian and Law Enforcement (Federal and NYPD) RP. meaning I have a grasp on how roleplay works and how it should be properly done.
I admit when I fuck up.I intend (As I always do) to be completely transparent with management. And as transparent as possible with the community. I firmly believe secrecy has no place in a good community. Although you may view this differently (as is your right) that is my opinion. Whenever possible I will be transparent with the community. Only if given permission. I will never disclose any Confidential, Staff or Private information.
Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long):
Garry's Mod: Equinox (Danish) Darkrp - Administrator - ~100 Hours
FiveM: Underground RP (Danish) - Supporter (Mod) ~100 Hours | Sjælland RP (Danish) - Supporter (Mod) ~125 Hours | Chrome Community (Danish) - Head Admin - ~700 Hours
Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?:
Yes I have been banned once, I was banned for 10 hours for Item transferring by Canadian-Bacon. I was stupid. I understand my rule break and have learnt from the ban. The ban was 100% justified
Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?:
I'd believe I'm pretty well known as Pierre Schmidt Jr/Sr. The stupid slightly corrupt cop. Or as "Salmon" the Drug Dealer.
But my most famous character is definitely Paul Iverson. The former SDE Oil Salesman and now Lawyer for SBC. Paul is very well loved in the community and I still get referred to as "Grandpa Oil" whenever people see me.
I think I'm well liked here though. I do believe a few people dislike me, But you can't be friends with absolutely everyone. I do believe this is mainly due to me being a Police Officer and FBI on the server. But I personally have no problem with anyone, as I think having childish arguments in a video game/irl is a waste of time. But, as previously stated. I believe I am known for being understanding, chill and actually listening. Although I cannot read minds, so I do not know 100% what my reputation is
Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names:
Bingus | Senior Administrator
Moses | Senior Administrator
Whiplash | Administrator
Stretch | Moderator
Lucky | Moderator
If anyone else wishes to recommend me. Please DM me at the Discord above or leave a reply
And thank you to anyone who recommended me. I'll try my absolute best to make you proud
Problem Solving
Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?:
If someone gets RDM'ed in the middle of a RP Situation. I would make sure to contact my colleagues with @, I'll explain to them how they got RDM'd and if they are able to take my ticket as I don't wish to take my own ticket due to potential bias and as staff are not allowed to. Then present my evidence and so on and so forth. Like a "normal" player would do in a staff sit. If no staff are available to take the ticket/there are none on. Then I will be forced to handle the ticket myself.
I will bring the suspect and perform a completely standard staff sit. Wherein I have a chat with them about what they did wrong. If they are completely new with no POs. then I will simply give them a warning. If they are a minge with a large record of bans/warns, Then I’d continue with whatever punishment the Staff Guidelines deem reasonable
If I am off duty and a ticket pops up that I have no involvement in. I will switch to my staff character and deal with it as soon as possible. I would bring the suspect and the victim to a roof and ask questions such as "What happened" and "Do you have any evidence"? Then check logs and the evidence. then deliver my punishment accordingly based on the severity, evidence and the suspects prior offenses
You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?:
Abuse is completely unacceptable and I will treat it as seriously as possible
I'd take a clip/recording, Grab the logs, Take a screenshot and get any other evidence. Then I'd make a staff report and/or contact whomever manages staff at the time. After this, I'd keep an eye on them covertly in case they continue. although I would never directly confront them. As a lower ranked staff it isn't my duty to deal with abuse
A very good friend of yours joins the server. Over the course of an hour, you’ve received multiple complaints about them not following rules, RDM’ing, and minging. How do you proceed knowing this can affect your friendship with them?:
I'd try to get another staff to handle it, to avoid subconscious bias which is unavoidable as a human. If not possible then I'd take the ticket myself. I'd handle it like a normal ticket. Completely as usual. If/When the ticket creator has presented any evidence. I'd punish my friend accordingly. If they contact me afterwards, complaining. I wouldn't care. I treat everyone equally and I couldn't care less if you're a friend. You break the rules. You get punished. That's how it goes. and I hope my friends respect me enough to not break the rules. Otherwise you won’t be my friend for long
Ending notes: Thank you for reading this application and thank you to Pendred for letting me reapply early, I'd absolutely appreciate it if you reply with your honest opinion on the application in the form of a +/- 1 or a neutral. I won't keep you here any longer, Have a nice day! - Fish Man
Paul Iverson, Aleksei "Iron" Sokolev, Peter Kent Jones, Wyatt Schmidt
Steam Name:
Fish Man
Steam Profile Link:
Steam ID:
Discord Username:
Fish Man#9947
Total playtime on Server (Do !time in-game):
3w 8h 36m
Time Zone:
UTC+01:00 (Denmark)
How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?:
5-6 Hours per day. More in the weekends
Have you read the rules?:
Yes. I have
Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes. I do
Do you acknowledge that you must attend all staff meetings (Unless you have stated why you cannot beforehand):
Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?:
Yes, I’ve heard SAM is like ULX. Although I'll read any guide/receive training without issue
Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?:
Yes. I understand
Long Answers
What is your motivation/reason for applying?:
I love talking to people on this server. And I love helping people with their problems. My previous staffing on other servers/games have been the absolute most fun I've ever had. The experience of helping other people with their issues/reports is unexplainably good
I am also in the European time zone where there is a severe lack of staff. No staff for 40 people isn't acceptable. There should at least be one active staff in every single time zone. This past week. There haven't been any staff on during early European times. except the Australian staff.
I hate seeing the staff overwhelmed with tickets during this time. And the 1 hour response times for tickets during peak hours isn't acceptable either. I want to assist in stopping this. As my roleplay has been ruined by minges and RDM'ers countless times where staff never came to my tickets.
My main motivation is mentioned above. The lack of staff taking tickets. But this is by no means meant to insult the staff team. I absolutely love everyone on the staff team.
Additionally. This server has also helped me and I've had so much fun on it. I want to give back to the server.
Why should you be considered over other candidates?:
I believe everyone should get a fair and equal chance, But:
I'm always understanding, kind and unbiased. I'm known for being understanding and actually listening.
I'm on the server every day of the week. as long as I possibly can, Which is usually 6 to 8 hours.
I am also in the European timezone. Which has a severe lack of staff.
I am going to be active. It's a shame that no one takes tickets even though there are 8+ staff on. I will prioritize staff work/taking tickets over roleplay.
I have had RP experience in pretty much every category including but not limited to: Legal, Crime, Civilian and Law Enforcement (Federal and NYPD) RP. meaning I have a grasp on how roleplay works and how it should be properly done.
I admit when I fuck up.I intend (As I always do) to be completely transparent with management. And as transparent as possible with the community. I firmly believe secrecy has no place in a good community. Although you may view this differently (as is your right) that is my opinion. Whenever possible I will be transparent with the community. Only if given permission. I will never disclose any Confidential, Staff or Private information.
Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long):
Garry's Mod: Equinox (Danish) Darkrp - Administrator - ~100 Hours
FiveM: Underground RP (Danish) - Supporter (Mod) ~100 Hours | Sjælland RP (Danish) - Supporter (Mod) ~125 Hours | Chrome Community (Danish) - Head Admin - ~700 Hours
Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?:
Yes I have been banned once, I was banned for 10 hours for Item transferring by Canadian-Bacon. I was stupid. I understand my rule break and have learnt from the ban. The ban was 100% justified
Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?:
I'd believe I'm pretty well known as Pierre Schmidt Jr/Sr. The stupid slightly corrupt cop. Or as "Salmon" the Drug Dealer.
But my most famous character is definitely Paul Iverson. The former SDE Oil Salesman and now Lawyer for SBC. Paul is very well loved in the community and I still get referred to as "Grandpa Oil" whenever people see me.
I think I'm well liked here though. I do believe a few people dislike me, But you can't be friends with absolutely everyone. I do believe this is mainly due to me being a Police Officer and FBI on the server. But I personally have no problem with anyone, as I think having childish arguments in a video game/irl is a waste of time. But, as previously stated. I believe I am known for being understanding, chill and actually listening. Although I cannot read minds, so I do not know 100% what my reputation is
Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names:
Bingus | Senior Administrator
Moses | Senior Administrator
Whiplash | Administrator
Stretch | Moderator
Lucky | Moderator
If anyone else wishes to recommend me. Please DM me at the Discord above or leave a reply
And thank you to anyone who recommended me. I'll try my absolute best to make you proud

Problem Solving
Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?:
If someone gets RDM'ed in the middle of a RP Situation. I would make sure to contact my colleagues with @, I'll explain to them how they got RDM'd and if they are able to take my ticket as I don't wish to take my own ticket due to potential bias and as staff are not allowed to. Then present my evidence and so on and so forth. Like a "normal" player would do in a staff sit. If no staff are available to take the ticket/there are none on. Then I will be forced to handle the ticket myself.
I will bring the suspect and perform a completely standard staff sit. Wherein I have a chat with them about what they did wrong. If they are completely new with no POs. then I will simply give them a warning. If they are a minge with a large record of bans/warns, Then I’d continue with whatever punishment the Staff Guidelines deem reasonable
If I am off duty and a ticket pops up that I have no involvement in. I will switch to my staff character and deal with it as soon as possible. I would bring the suspect and the victim to a roof and ask questions such as "What happened" and "Do you have any evidence"? Then check logs and the evidence. then deliver my punishment accordingly based on the severity, evidence and the suspects prior offenses
You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?:
Abuse is completely unacceptable and I will treat it as seriously as possible
I'd take a clip/recording, Grab the logs, Take a screenshot and get any other evidence. Then I'd make a staff report and/or contact whomever manages staff at the time. After this, I'd keep an eye on them covertly in case they continue. although I would never directly confront them. As a lower ranked staff it isn't my duty to deal with abuse
A very good friend of yours joins the server. Over the course of an hour, you’ve received multiple complaints about them not following rules, RDM’ing, and minging. How do you proceed knowing this can affect your friendship with them?:
I'd try to get another staff to handle it, to avoid subconscious bias which is unavoidable as a human. If not possible then I'd take the ticket myself. I'd handle it like a normal ticket. Completely as usual. If/When the ticket creator has presented any evidence. I'd punish my friend accordingly. If they contact me afterwards, complaining. I wouldn't care. I treat everyone equally and I couldn't care less if you're a friend. You break the rules. You get punished. That's how it goes. and I hope my friends respect me enough to not break the rules. Otherwise you won’t be my friend for long
Ending notes: Thank you for reading this application and thank you to Pendred for letting me reapply early, I'd absolutely appreciate it if you reply with your honest opinion on the application in the form of a +/- 1 or a neutral. I won't keep you here any longer, Have a nice day! - Fish Man